3 Tech Stocks Teetering on the Edge of a Tumble
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-01 03:45
There are three tech stocks to sell for February. These companies are in the process of a slow decline via slowing fundamentals and weak business models that are not conducive to the long-term gains that investors hope for. Given the rising S&P 500 and Nasdaq indices, which generally signal robust market conditions, investors might expect all tech stocks to follow suit. This may be true to an extent for the three discussed in this article. However, I feel they also have distinct challenges that may hinder t ...
Can This Beaten-Down Stock Skyrocket More Than the "Magnificent Seven" Over the Next 5 Years?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-23 22:45
Peloton Interactive业务挑战 - Peloton在疫情期间业务蓬勃发展后,面临持续挑战,正在努力恢复其胜利之路[1] - 在2024财年第二季度,Peloton报告销售下降6%,继续收入萎缩趋势,管理团队正紧急尝试多种措施刺激需求[2] - Peloton在财务Q2录得1.95亿美元的净亏损,虽然较去年同期有了巨大改善,但仍需努力实现盈利[3] Peloton股价和业务前景 - Peloton股价目前处于历史低位,市销率不到0.6,业务预期极低,但如果公司取得进展并带来乐观情绪,估值倍数有望上升[4] - 投资者希望Peloton股价能比最大的科技巨头飙升,但未来可能会面临健身设备行业的不确定性,需要尽快走上可持续的财务道路[9] Peloton未来展望 - 预期Peloton在未来五年内超越苹果、微软、谷歌等革命性公司是不切实际的,公司需要很多事情顺利才能回到正轨[6]
Here's One Beaten-Down Stock to Avoid Even As the Bull Market Soars
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-23 19:27
Peloton公司股价表现 - Peloton公司在2022年经历了股价暴跌,主要是因为市场情绪改变,一些公司的业务基本面与股价表现脱钩,而另一些公司则因业务挑战而受到了打击[1] - Peloton公司在疫情期间股价被夸大,但也因公司战略错误导致股价下跌,目前投资者最好观望不要立即入场[2] - Peloton公司在2020年初股价为每股30美元,随着COVID-19疫情爆发,在家健身成为市场共识,股价一度飙升至167美元[3] - 2021年情况大不相同,疫情限制放松,Peloton的增长放缓,股价大幅下跌,目前股价不到5美元,较上市时下跌了82%[4] Peloton公司财务状况 - Peloton公司的新CEO Barry McCarthy努力控制现金流,自接任以来,财报显示负自由现金流已经有所改善[6] - 虽然财务结果有亮点,但会员和订阅数量下降,这些长期趋势令人担忧[9] - 尽管财务状况有所改善,但Peloton仍未实现盈利,会员和应用订阅减少使得未来财务复苏更加不确定[11] Peloton公司未来展望 - Peloton仍有机会扭转局面,管理层表示未来两年将有重大产品创新,这可能改变业务发展轨迹[10] - Peloton仍是一个引人注目的企业,拥有忠实用户群体,虽然目前不建议购买股票,但仍值得关注[12]
Peloton Interactive, Inc. Announces Participation in the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference
Newsfilter· 2024-02-23 05:45
NEW YORK, Feb. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Peloton Interactive, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTON) today announced that the company will be participating in the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 9:30 AM PST. Attending for Peloton will be Liz Coddington, Chief Financial Officer. The live webcast and replay can be accessed in the Events section of the Company's Investor Relations website: About Peloton Peloton (NASDAQ: ...
Prediction: Peloton Stock Will Skyrocket, but Only If This Happens
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-20 20:37
While investors benefit from a raging bull market, it's interesting to see companies that continue to underperform. Peloton (PTON -2.58%), for example, is currently 97% below its all-time high. And shares have dropped 66% in the last 12 months (as of Feb. 14). This consumer discretionary stock was once a darling on Wall Street. But it has been pedaling backward for the past few years. As of this writing, the beaten-down shares are trading at a price-to-sales (P/S) ratio of 0.6. That's ridiculously cheap, de ...
Peloton Is Down 97%: Is It Time to Buy and Hold this Beaten-Down Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-14 21:43
公司业绩表现 - Peloton Interactive (PTON)在2024财年第二季度报告中的业绩表现不佳,股价下跌超过20%[2] - 公司营收同比下降6%,达到7.436亿美元,超过华尔街分析师预期[3] - 公司预测当前季度销售额在7亿至7.25亿美元之间,低于分析师预期的7.54亿美元[4] 公司增长挑战 - Peloton在寻找恢复增长的方法上遇到困难,用户基数仍然有限[5] - 公司的数字应用订阅用户数量同比下降6%,显示出公司仍在努力寻找有效的策略[6] - 公司领导团队在尝试各种策略,但未能将整体业务带回增长模式[7] 管理层策略 - CEO Barry McCarthy在任职两年内推出了一些新的合作伙伴关系和零售计划,但未能实现整体业务增长[8] - 公司管理层对数字应用策略的成功前景持保守态度,缺乏对策略成功的明确预期[11] - 公司高管正在努力扭转业务困境,但面临着艰巨的挑战[13] 风险和建议 - 公司预计在2024财年第四季度实现正的自由现金流,但存在过度承诺和未能兑现的风险[12] - 尽管股价大幅下跌,投资者应避免购买该股票,因为这可能是一个典型的价值陷阱[14]
Peloton Jumped Today -- Time to Buy the Beaten-Down Stock Hand Over Fist?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-13 05:29
机构投资者行为 - Peloton股票在机构投资者最近的买卖行为消息的推动下,股价上涨了5.7%[1] - Morgan Stanley和Capital World Investors提交了SC 13G/A文件,显示他们在Peloton股票中的持股情况[2] - Morgan Stanley出售了大约140万股股票,但仍持有大约3800万股Peloton股票,占公司11.1%的股份[3] - Capital World Investors购买了约180万股股票,将其持股量增至约2600万股,占公司7.8%的股份[4]
Why Peloton Stock Is Surging Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-13 03:54
Peloton Interactive (PTON 5.60%) stock is making big gains in Monday's trading. The company's share price was up 7.5% as of 2:45 p.m. ET, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. On Friday, Morgan Stanley and Capital World Investors submitted filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosing their updated holdings in Peloton as of late December. Morgan Stanley's SC 13G/A filing showed that it had reduced its position in the stock, while Capital World Investors showed that it h ...
1 Ridiculously Cheap Stock Down 97% to Buy Hand Over Fist in 2024
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-10 19:00
Parkev Tatevosian持仓情况 - Parkev Tatevosian, CFA在所提及的股票中没有任何持仓[1] The Motley Fool对Peloton Interactive的看法 - The Motley Fool对Peloton Interactive持有头寸并推荐[1] Parkev Tatevosian与The Motley Fool的关联 - Parkev Tatevosian是The Motley Fool的关联方,可能会因推广其服务而获得补偿[2]
3 Reasons This Once Unstoppable Stock Has Plunged 97%
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-08 19:10
Peloton股价表现 - Peloton股价从2020年3月的高点$150暴跌至目前约$4,下跌超过97%[1] - 疫情结束后,Peloton产品需求急剧下降[2] 营收情况 - Peloton的营收在2021财年达到顶峰,但随后持续下降,2024财年第二季度营收再次缩水[3] - Peloton持续亏损,2022财年净亏损高达28亿美元[4] 公司财务状况 - Peloton现金储备减少至738百万美元,负债691百万美元,现金状况不佳[6] 管理层挑战 - 新CEO Barry McCarthy采取措施削减成本,但数字化业务增长缓慢,仍未扭转亏损局面[5] - 管理层面临巨大挑战,难以重振销售增长,可能需要进一步削减成本以避免更大亏损[7]