Is NextEra Energy a Millionaire-Maker?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-26 00:29
The broader energy industry has steadily shifted over the past few decades. Today, renewable energy contributes about 20% of electricity in the United States, recently surpassing coal for the first time. NextEra Energy (NEE 0.19%) has benefited both as an electric utility and a renewable energy producer. The stock has returned a stellar 13,000% over its lifetime, turning a $1,000 investment into $133,000 with dividends reinvested. The stock is currently down nearly 40% from its high. While nobody likes to f ...
NextEra Energy: Power Utility With A Winning Strategy And Secure Dividend
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-19 22:30
公司概况 - NextEra Energy是一家美国能源公司,市值达1160亿美元,是美国最大的公用事业控股公司[1] - 公司业务分为三个部分:Florida Power & Light (FPL)、NextEra Energy Resources (NEER)和Corporate and Other[2] Florida Power & Light (FPL) - FPL在佛罗里达州拥有最大的电力公用事业业务,为全州超过1200万人提供电力[3] - FPL的能源组合包括71%天然气、21%核能、5%太阳能和3%其他[3] NextEra Energy Resources (NEER) - NEER是世界上最大的风能和太阳能可再生能源发电商[4] - NEER也是电池储能的世界领导者[4]
This Magnificent Dividend Stock Expects to Continue Producing Powerful Income Growth
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-19 22:24
NextEra Energy (NEE -0.42%) has been a powerful income producer over the years. The utility has more than a quarter century of dividend increases under its belt. These haven't been token raises to keep its streak alive. NextEra has grown its payout at an 11% compound annual rate over the last 10 years. That's impressive, considering it operates in the slower-growing utility sector. The company recently delivered its latest dividend increase, boosting the payout by 10%. It expects to maintain that rate for a ...
NextEra Energy board declares quarterly dividend and continues above-average targeted growth rate in dividends per share through at least 2026
Prnewswire· 2024-02-17 01:06
JUNO BEACH, Fla., Feb. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The board of directors of NextEra Energy, Inc. (NYSE: NEE) declared a regular quarterly common stock dividend of $0.515 per share, an approximate 10% increase versus the prior-year comparable quarterly dividend. This increase is consistent with the plan announced in 2022 of targeting roughly 10% annual growth in dividends per share through at least 2024, off a 2022 base. The dividend is payable on March 15, 2024, to shareholders of record on Feb. 27, 2024. The ...
UTF Yields Over 8% With Tailwinds On The Horizon From The Infrastructure Bill
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-16 22:00
PM Images There has been an immense focus on technology, especially after big tech earnings and guidance were released. Despite today's selloff due to hotter-than-expected CPI numbers, the Nasdaq has been off to a strong start for 2024, having appreciated by 4.48%. While many are on the edge of their seats waiting for Nvidia (NVDA) to report earnings on the 21st, I think investing in infrastructure in 2024 is an opportunity. The next Fed press conference should be interesting as Chair Powell continues to in ...
NextEra Energy(NEE) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-16 00:00
风能和太阳能发展 - NEE于2022年8月16日签署的通货膨胀减少法案(IRA)延长了风能和太阳能税收抵免期限,扩大了支持更广泛的可再生能源技术的税收抵免范围,并允许可再生能源税收抵免的转让[13] 公用事业服务 - FPL是佛罗里达州最大的电力公用事业公司,拥有33276兆瓦的净发电容量,约90000英里的输电线路和883个变电站,为超过1200万人提供服务[15] - FPL的主要营收来源是来自零售客户,同时也为佛罗里达州内的少数批发客户提供服务,2023年,来自批发和工业电力客户的运营收入占FPL总运营收入的约5%[17][22] - FPL通过与多个市政府或县政府谈判达成的特许经营协议为其零售客户提供电力服务,这些特许经营协议的有效期通常为30年[19] 可再生能源发展计划 - FPL计划在2025年之前增加新的太阳能发电容量,通过基本费率进行成本回收,目前正在建设额外的1341兆瓦和894兆瓦的太阳能发电容量,预计分别于2024年和2025年投入使用[25] 燃料供应和核电站运营 - FPL依赖各种燃料来源为其发电设施提供燃料,2023年,FPL投入运营了一个将绿色氢气与天然气混合的氢气设施[26] - FPL在2023年拥有以下重要的燃料和运输合同:与十家不同的运输供应商签订的天然气管道容量的固定运输合同,总最大交付量为283.6万MMBtu/天,合同有效期至2042年;供应铀和核燃料转换、浓缩和制造的几个合同,有效期至2037年;为提供部分天然气需求而签订的短期和中期天然气供应合同[27] - FPL拥有并运营佛罗里达州的四个核电机组,包括St. Lucie Unit No. 1, St. Lucie Unit No. 2, Turkey Point Unit No. 3和Turkey Point Unit No. 4[28] - FPL已向NRC提交了关于St. Lucie和Turkey Point核电站运营许可的续期申请,目前正在等待批准[29] - 根据NRC规定,FPL需要在核电站预计运营结束前五年提交退役和解体计划[30] 能源交易和监管 - FPL的能源营销与交易部门负责购买和销售天然气、低硫柴油、电力和可再生能源证书等能源商品[32] - FPL的运营受到联邦、州和其他机构的监管,包括FPSC、FERC、NERC、NRC和EPA等[33] - FPSC通过各种定价机制设置电价,以确保公用事业有机会从零售客户那里收取与提供服务成本相等的总收入[34] - 2021年的电价协议中,FPL的授权监管ROE为10.60%,范围为9.70%至11.70%[38] 太阳能发展和税收抵免 - FPL被授权通过SoBRA机制每年增加多达894兆瓦的新太阳能发电容量,并有权将未使用的兆瓦数额延续到下一年[37] - FPL被授权在2022年至2025年期间扩大SolarTogether®,增加1788兆瓦的太阳能发电容量[40] - 美国联邦、州和地方政府制定了各种激励措施来支持可再生能源项目的发展,包括加速折旧、生产税收抵免、投资税收抵免、现金补助等[68] - 美国政府扩大了30%的投资税收抵免范围,包括2022年后投入使用的储能项目和2022年后投入使用的绿色氢气项目[70] - 可再生能源税收抵免可以在2022年后转让给无关的购买方以获取现金,为开发商提供了额外的变现途径[71] 公司资产和竞争 - NEER在2023年12月31日拥有总发电容量约为37,700兆瓦,主要通过与公用事业、零售电力提供商、合作社、市政电力提供商和商业客户签订的长期电力销售协议出售其产能和/或能源产出[54] - NEER是世界上最大的风能和太阳能可再生能源发电商,2023年净发电量基础上,以及在电池储能方面也是世界领先[54] - NEP通过NEP OpCo收购、管理和拥有稳定长期现金流的清洁能源资产,重点放在可再生能源项目上,NEP在2023年12月31日拥有约10,118兆瓦的清洁能源资产组合[56] - NEER的发电资产主要包括长期电力销售协议的发电设施,2023年12月31日,合同发电资产约为28,759兆瓦,合同剩余期限加权平均约为15年[59] - NEER的商业发电资产主要包括没有长期电力销售协议的发电设施,2023年12月31日,商业发电资产约为1,842兆瓦[60] - NextEra Energy Resources在2023年12月31日拥有约2,624兆瓦的电池储能容量[67] - NEER在2023年12月31日拥有约7944兆瓦的净发电容量,其中约94%受长期合同约束[81] - NEER的竞争对手主要来自批发市场,竞争基础主要是价格,同时也依靠绿色资产属性、项目按时完成记录、信用和提供可靠的风险解决方案[78] - NEER在美国和加拿大的电力市场中竞争,主要通过长期双边合同销售发电设施的全部产量[81] - NEER的发电设施中的一些设施生产可再生能源证书和其他环境属性,通常与能源一起出售或单独出售[83] 公司信息 - 公司提供免费访问SEC文件的网站为www.nexteraenergy.com[94] - 公司的执行官包括Robert Coffey、Terrell Kirk Crews II、
2 Reasons to Buy NextEra Energy Stock Like There's No Tomorrow
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-15 19:25
NextEra Energy (NEE 1.38%) is a giant U.S utility with a pretty impressive dividend history, having increased its payout annually for nearly three decades. And yet it's not your typical dividend-paying utility given that dividend growth has averaged a heady 10% per year over the past decade. If you are a growth and income investor, NextEra Energy should be on your radar screen now. Here are two key reasons why. 1. NextEra Energy stock appears cheap today The big reason to be attracted to NextEra Energy righ ...
Evercore ISI Is Warming Up to NextEra Energy (NEE) Stock
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-13 22:02
NextEra Energy (NYSE:NEE) stock is on the move Tuesday after Evercore ISI analysts initiated coverage of the wind, solar, nuclear, coal and natural gas power company’s shares this morning. Analyst Michael Lonegan is behind this news as he starts coverage of NEE stock with an “outperform” rating. To put that in perspective, the analysts’ consensus rating for NEE shares is moderate buy based on 13 opinions. That new rating for NextEra Energy shares also comes with a price target of $43. That represents a pote ...
NextEra Energy: An Impressive Dividend Aristocrat To Buy Now
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-30 20:31
Engineers working at a solar power plant. Luis Alvarez I believe the key to my journey toward achieving success as a long-term investor started by expressing a simple truth: I don't have a crystal ball. I recognize that in the short term, fundamentals are often overshadowed by market sentiment. In a one-year timeframe, Dividend Kings estimates that merely 5% of total returns are explained by fundamentals and valuation. But over time, market sentiment tends to more appropriately reflect fundamentals. Over 30 ...
Where Will NextEra Energy Be in 3 Years?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-29 18:35
公司业务 - NextEra Energy是两个业务的组合,其中70%是受监管的公用事业运营[2] - 公用事业运营提供了稳定的增长机会,而NextEra Energy Resources则是公司的增长引擎[3] 盈利预测 - 公司管理层预计到2026年,每年的盈利增长率将在6%至8%之间[6] - 预计2024年股息将增长10%[7] 股息情况 - NextEra Energy在过去十年以每年10%的速度增长了股息[1] - NextEra Energy的股息收益率为3.28%,接近过去十年的最高水平[9] - 尽管股息收益率略低于行业平均水平,但NextEra Energy对于追求股息增长的投资者仍具吸引力[10]