3 Surprising Facts You Didn't Know About Coca-Cola
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-28 18:03
可口可乐品牌 - 可口可乐是与沃伦·巴菲特最相关的品牌之一[1] 公司股价数据 - 该视频发布于2023年1月27日,股价数据来自2023年1月24日下午[2]
Consumers Buy 2.2 Billion Coca-Cola Products Each Day. But Most of the Company's Sales Come From Somewhere You Might Not Expect
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-27 20:40
Coca-Cola (KO 0.35%) has one of the strongest competitive positions on the planet. It owns five of the top six soda brands in the world: Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Coke Zero, and Diet Coke. These global franchises allow it to sell over 2 billion drinks per day across its vast network that spans restaurants, fast-food chains, theme parks, convenience stores, and more. You might be surprised to learn that Coke doesn't make most of its money from the sales of those sparkling beverages. In fact, about 60% of its ...
CocaCola Company (The) (KO) is Attracting Investor Attention: Here is What You Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-24 23:01
Coca-Cola (KO) has recently been on Zacks.com's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future. Shares of this world's largest beverage maker have returned +2.2% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +2.4% change. The Zacks Beverages - Soft drinks industry, to which Coke belongs, has gained 8.2% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock be headed in the n ...
Coca-Cola Stock: Buy, Sell, or Hold?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-24 22:53
With the threat of a recession receding, many stocks saw gains in the past few months. One of these worth taking a look at is blue-chip company Coca-Cola (KO -0.32%). The beverage giant hit a 52-week low on Oct. 6, but has since bounced back. Even so, shares are still off a 52-week high of $64.99 reached last April. Does this mean Coca-Cola is a buy? Should investors who already own shares sell with the current rise in stock price, or continue to hold? Coca-Cola's financial performance Coca-Cola's revenue e ...
36氪· 2024-01-24 07:29
可口可乐公司在春年档年货销售方面的努力 - 可口可乐公司正在全力冲刺今年的春年档年货销售[1] - 可口可乐中国发起了龙年春节的市场攻势,利用人工智能(AI)推出新产品和广告短片[11] 可口可乐公司对中国农历新年的重视 - 可口可乐公司董事会主席兼首席执行官詹鲲杰表示中国的农历新年对公司来说是一件大事,反映中国消费势头的“晴雨表”[2] 可口可乐公司对AI技术的应用和竞争对手的看法 - 可口可乐公司将AI融入业务运营的重点方向,评论了最大竞争对手百事公司以及新型减肥药的影响[3] - 可口可乐公司认为百事公司是当前最大的对手,强调专注于自家产品和消费者需求,不会被竞争对手左右[13] 可口可乐公司对低卡路里产品和AI技术在营销方面的看法 - 可口可乐公司的产品线中已经包含众多低卡路里或零卡路里的选择,消费者可以根据个人口味偏好和减糖需求进行选择[16] - 可口可乐公司利用AI技术与消费者互动,推出新产品和活动,认为AI在营销方面有更大的创意发挥空间[18] - 可口可乐公司认为AI在构建视觉形象、文案创作、故事叙述方面有更大的创意发挥空间,将给整个营销行业带来深远影响[22] - 可口可乐公司将AI技术应用于产品研发和营销,希望能够将创新想法变成大规模的应用,同时优化供应链效率[23]
How Safe Is Coca-Cola Stock's Dividend?
24/7 Wall Street· 2024-01-24 04:10
股息支付情况 - 可口可乐是一家长期支付股息并且每年增加股息的公司,被称为“股息王”[4] - 可口可乐的股息支付比率在过去几个季度有所波动,但在2023年的前两个季度低于60%[8] - 可口可乐的自由现金流在过去几年持续增长,这对于股息支付、股票回购或者偿还债务都是有利的[9] 财务状况 - 可口可乐的资本回报率目前约为12%,虽然有所波动,但仍处于可接受范围内[10] - 可口可乐的营业利润率为29%,显示公司财务状况良好[11] - 可口可乐的净债务与资本比率接近0.51,表明公司长期债务管理得当[13] 市场表现 - 可口可乐的销售增长在过去20年中保持稳定,但投资者希望看到销售增长动力增强[12] - 可口可乐的市盈率约为21倍,相对于整个市场处于折价状态[14] - 可口可乐的流通股数量自1984年以来大幅减少,显示公司在股票回购方面的积极性[15] 投资潜力 - 可口可乐是一家安全的股票投资对象,拥有150亿美元现金和450亿美元的营业收入,有足够的资源进行增长[17]
Coca-Cola (KO) Stock Drops Despite Market Gains: Important Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-23 07:51
股价表现 - 可口可乐(KO)最近的交易日收盘价为$59.57,较前一个交易日下跌了0.43%。[1] - 可口可乐股价在过去一个月中上涨了2.59%,表现不及消费品行业的3.22%涨幅,但超过了标普500指数的1.61%涨幅。[2] 财报预期 - 可口可乐即将公布的财报中,预计每股收益为$0.48,较去年同期增长6.67%。同时,预计营收为106.1亿美元,较去年同期增长4.78%。[3] 分析师预测 - 最近对可口可乐的分析师预测发生变化,这些修订有助于展示短期业务趋势的不断变化。[4] Zacks Rank评级 - Zacks Rank系统从1(强热门)到5(强卖出),自1988年以来,1排名的股票年均回报率为+25%。[5] - 目前,可口可乐的Zacks Rank为2(买入)。[6] 估值和行业排名 - 可口可乐目前的前瞻市盈率为21.33,高于行业平均前瞻市盈率18.58。[7] - 可口可乐的PEG比率为3.42,高于软饮料行业的平均PEG比率2.23。[8] - 软饮料行业属于消费品行业,其Zacks行业排名为33,位于所有250多个行业的前14%。[9] - Zacks行业排名通过测量各个行业组内个别股票的平均Zacks Rank来衡量行业实力,排名前50%的行业表现比后50%的行业好2倍。[10] 信息获取 - 请务必利用Zacks.com在接下来的交易日中及时了解所有这些影响股票的指标等信息。[11]
3 Top Beverage Stocks to Buy Hand Over Fist to Help Boost Your Portfolio in 2024
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-22 03:31
Stepping into 2024, the beverage scene is fizzing with excitement and potential. At the forefront: Coca-Cola (KO -0.55%), PepsiCo (PEP -0.83%), and Boston Beer (SAM -0.70%). These drink kings have mastered the art of staying fresh. This year, they look less like everyday investment opportunities and more like golden tickets for your portfolio. So, let's dive in and see how these industry giants could put some pep in your investments, mixing tried-and-true methods with innovative twists that could really que ...
2 Stocks Under $100 You Can Buy and Hold Forever
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-22 01:33
可口可乐投资建议 - 可以从小额开始投资,逐渐增加经验[1] - 可以考虑投资可口可乐和房地产收入公司[2] - 可口可乐是一家知名饮料公司,多元化产品线[3] - 可口可乐市场份额不断扩大,销售额增长11%[4] - 可口可乐的盈利能力增强,连续61年增加股息[5] 房地产收入公司投资建议 - 房地产收入公司以REIT形式运营,提供稳定的股息[7] - 房地产收入公司租金收入主要来自零售业,但管理层有效降低风险[8] - 房地产收入公司积极多样化房地产投资组合[10] - 房地产收入公司每月支付股息,连续多次提高[11]
The Trade Desk's Shareholders Just Got Great News From a Surprising Source: The Coca-Cola Company
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-22 00:10
Programmatic advertising-technology (adtech) company The Trade Desk (TTD 2.77%) says, "There is a fundamental shift happening in advertising." Recent commentary from Coca-Cola (KO -0.55%) management perfectly illustrates the fundamental shift it's talking about. As one of the biggest consumer goods companies in the world, Coca-Cola naturally spends a lot of money on advertising. But in the third quarter of 2023, management shared a surprising statistic: In 2019, 30% of its media spend was dedicated to digit ...