Bull of the Day: Duolingo (DUOL)
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-31 20:11
Duolingo 应用增长 - Duolingo, Inc. (DUOL) 预计在 2024 年其收益将大幅增长,因为越来越多的人开始使用其应用来学习新语言[1] - 2023 年,Duolingo 还在其旗舰应用上推出了音乐和数学课程,丰富了其产品线[2] - 在 2023 年第三季度,Duolingo 的收费订阅用户增长了 60%,达到了 580 万,总预订额同比增长了 49% 到 1.536 亿美元[3] - 月活跃用户(MAUs)达到了 8310 万,同比增长了 47%,日活跃用户(DAUs)增长了 63% 到 2420 万,总收入同比增长了 43% 到 1.376 亿美元[4] Duolingo 未来展望 - Duolingo 连续两个季度提高了全年收入预期,预计将达到 5.25 亿至 5.28 亿美元,分析师对 2024 年的销售也持乐观态度,预计将增长 29.3% 到 6.815 亿美元[5] - 分析师对 2024 年的盈利也持乐观态度,预计将增长 210.8%,达到 0.81 美元,而 2023 年的盈利仅为 0.26 美元[6] Duolingo 股价和投资 - 自 2021 年 7 月上市以来,Duolingo 的股价一直在波动,但在过去一年中,股价上涨了 104%[7] - 对于寻找增长股的投资者来说,Duolingo 是一个不错的选择,但其前瞻市盈率高达 238 倍[8]
3 Revolutionary Stocks on the Brink of Growth
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-23 02:04
投资机会 - 投资者可以从尚未成熟的高潜力股票中获得异常回报[1] 人工智能股票 - Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ:SMCI)是一家人工智能(AI)股票,市值较小但增长迅猛,预计收入将翻倍[4][5][6] 网络安全公司 - Fortinet (NASDAQ:FTNT)是一家网络安全公司,虽然短期面临困难,但具有稳定的利润和健康的收入增长[8][9][10] 语言学习应用 - Duolingo (NASDAQ:DUOL)是一家语言学习移动应用,具有高增长潜力,尽管前景乐观,但估值仍然是一个关注点[12][13][14]
Duolingo, Inc. (DUOL) Forms 'Hammer Chart Pattern': Time for Bottom Fishing?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-22 23:56
Shares of Duolingo, Inc. (DUOL) have been struggling lately and have lost 8.2% over the past week. However, a hammer chart pattern was formed in its last trading session, which could mean that the stock found support with bulls being able to counteract the bears. So, it could witness a trend reversal down the road. While the formation of a hammer pattern is a technical indication of nearing a bottom with potential exhaustion of selling pressure, rising optimism among Wall Street analysts about the future ea ...
After Plunging -18.32% in 4 Weeks, Here's Why the Trend Might Reverse for Duolingo, Inc. (DUOL)
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-22 23:36
股价趋势分析 - Duolingo, Inc. (DUOL) 最近股价一直在下跌,出现了明显的抛售压力[1] - RSI是用于判断股票是否被超卖的常用技术指标之一[2] - 当股票的RSI指标低于30时,通常被认为是超卖状态[3] - RSI有助于快速检查股票价格是否即将出现反转[4] - DUOL的RSI指标为29.62,显示出股票的抛售压力可能即将耗尽,股价趋势可能会出现反转[7] 盈利预期分析 - 分析师对DUOL的盈利预期出现了强烈的一致性,这可能会导致股价在短期内上涨[8] - DUOL目前的Zacks排名为1(强烈买入),这更加确切地表明了股票在短期内可能会出现反转[9]
2024 Will Be the Year of AI. 2 Top Stocks I Expect to Surge.
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-18 03:19
科技股市场趋势 - 2024年被称为“AI之年”,科技股有望迎来增长[2] Duolingo扩展计划 - Duolingo在语言学习市场中取得了巨大成功,但仍有扩展计划[4] 数字广告市场表现 - The Trade Desk在数字广告市场中表现强劲,准备领跑[10]
5 Top Stocks Of 2023: Year In Review
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-10 04:50
纳斯达克100指数表现 - 纳斯达克100指数在2023年以+53.8%的回报率收官,抹去了2022年的损失,创下自1999年以来的最高年度回报率[1] - 2023年有很多赢家,但有5只股票以显著的超额表现相对于更广泛的指数,令市场感到惊讶和震惊[1] 人工智能公司表现 - Nvidia (NVDA)股价飙升,市值超过1万亿美元,迅速成为AI革命的代表,CEO Jensen Haung表示:生成式人工智能是我们几十年来见过的软件和硬件最大的总地址可能扩展[5] - Meta (META)的股价涨幅达到194%,使其成为2023年的前5名之一,其财务和利润率迅速改善,同时继续投资并取得了在推进人工智能方面的进展[9] - Palantir的人工智能平台(AIP)推动了其增长加速,过去一个季度AIP用户数量几乎翻了一番,超过300家机构使用了这一新产品[27]
Duolingo Layoffs 2024: What to Know About the Latest DUOL Job Cuts
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-10 02:41
AI技术应用 - Duolingo宣布裁员,部分原因是更广泛地部署生成式人工智能[1] - 公司CEO表示正在使用生成式人工智能更快地生产新内容[2] - 裁员并非直接用AI替代员工,而是许多员工和承包商在工作中使用技术[3] AI市场影响 - AI可能会导致劳动力市场的重大扰动,但也可能带来净积极影响[4] - AI的广泛采用存在巨大风险,因为其决策过程不透明,难以预测结果[5] - 如果AI替代趋势继续,可能引发更广泛的估值担忧[6]
Duolingo cut 10% of its contractor workforce as the company embraces AI
TechCrunch· 2024-01-10 01:41
Duolingo is the latest company to cite AI as a reason for job cuts. The company confirmed it cut around 10% of its contractor workforce at the end of 2023, as it turns to AI models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 to streamline content production and translations. The broad application of ChatGPT and other large language models could impact a wide range of job roles, including language-based tasks. According to the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs report, AI will transform 23% of jobs in the next five years. R ...
Duolingo Cuts 10% of Contractors While Expanding Use of AI
PYMNTS· 2024-01-09 06:15
Duolingo has cut about 10% of its contractors due to its use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) to create content. The maker of software for learning languages has been shifting tasks from staff to AI tools, Bloomberg reported Monday (Jan. 8). “We just no longer need as many people to do the type of work some of these contractors were doing,” a Duolingo spokesperson told the media outlet. “Part of that could be attributed to AI.” Duolingo CEO Luis von Ahn said in a November letter to shareholders th ...
Top 5 Technology Services Stocks for a Solid Portfolio in 2024
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-08 22:46
美国商业服务领域 - 美国商业服务领域受益于经济强劲的基本面,尽管面临着创纪录的高利率和美联储极度紧缩的货币政策,但该行业在过去一年提供了两位数的回报[1] 技术服务行业 - 技术服务行业成熟,服务需求良好,预计收入、利润和现金流逐渐恢复至疫情前水平,帮助大多数行业参与者支付稳定的股息[2] - 技术服务行业的增长导致疫情爆发后远程工作者数量增加,企业积极寻求在本地和云基础设施之间寻找共同点,以便提供灵活且易于采用的混合解决方案[3]