Duke Energy's (DUK) 1st Floating Solar Plant in Florida Opens
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-17 20:31
Duke Energy Corp. (DUK) recently announced the start of operation at its first floating solar project in Florida. This should further strengthen the company’s position in the expanding clean energy market. Details of the Project The solar project, with a capacity of around 1 megawatt (MW), has a floating solar array that features more than 1,800 solar panels and can power about 100 homes. The project boasts bifacial solar panels that absorb light from both sides and can produce 10-20% more power than their ...
Duke Energy offers tips to save energy and money as temperatures dip in the Carolinas
Prnewswire· 2024-01-17 02:21
能源管理提示 - Duke Energy提醒客户在寒冷天气中管理能源使用和公用事业账单[1] - 提供节能提示,如调低恒温器、定期更换空气过滤器、检查暖气系统、利用太阳能等[2] 能源开支管理工具 - Duke Energy提供免费计划和工具帮助客户管理和了解每月能源开支,如预算账单、选择账单到期日、分期付款计划、用量提醒等[3] 能源援助计划 - Duke Energy与社区和州政府合作,为符合条件的客户提供各种州、联邦援助和Duke Energy计划,如低收入能源援助计划、危机干预计划、气候调节计划、Share the Light Fund®等[4]
Duke Energy's (DUK) Subsidiary Receives New Rate Approval
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-16 22:47
Duke Energy Corp. (DUK) recently announced that its subsidiary, Duke Energy Carolinas, has received a rate case approval from the North Carolina Utilities Commission (“NCUC”). The new rates are applicable from Jan 15, 2024. Since the rate review requested on Jan 19, 2023, the NCUC has approved a net increase in retail revenues in year one of about $436 million (8.3%), followed by $173 million (3.3%) in year two and $165 million (3.1%) in year three. Benefits of Rate Hike Utilities file for rate hikes to fun ...
Piedmont Natural Gas offers tips to save money and energy as frigid temperatures sweep the Southeast
Prnewswire· 2024-01-13 04:47
节能技巧和工具 - Piedmont Natural Gas提供节能技巧和工具,帮助客户管理季节性账单[1] - Piedmont提供低至无成本的节能技巧和项目,如调整恒温器、保持窗帘开启利用阳光、定期更换空气过滤器等[6] - Piedmont Natural Gas还提供各种节能工具,帮助客户理解影响天然气账单的因素,并强调他们可以采取的具体行动[8] 冬季供暖支出 - 冬季天气和低于冰点的温度导致家庭供暖支出增加,Piedmont Natural Gas网站上有视频解释客户天然气账单的因素[2] - Piedmont Natural Gas的高级副总裁Sasha Weintraub表示,天然气成本的下降使得公司能够在冬季提供一定的减轻措施,帮助客户降低账单[3] 账单平衡计划 - 公司推出Equal Payment Plan (EPP)计划,帮助客户平衡账单,避免高额冬季账单[7] 低收入能源援助计划 - 低收入能源援助计划(LIEAP)提供冬季供暖援助,帮助低收入家庭支付供暖费用[9] - Piedmont建议有需要的人申请该计划以及其他新推出的计划,查看是否符合资格[10]
Duke Energy prepares for potential severe weather in Indiana; encourages customers to plan ahead
Prnewswire· 2024-01-13 02:28
杜克能源准备应对恶劣天气 - 杜克能源正在监控和准备应对可能带来高风、雪和寒冷温度混合的潜在恶劣天气系统[2] - 杜克能源印第安纳的服务区域可能会受到强劲、猛烈的风和部分降雪的影响,以及寒冷的气温,公司的工作人员已准备好在出现停电时尽快安全地恢复电力[3] 客户应对暴风雨的建议 - 在暴风雨来临之前,客户应该制定好停电时的应对计划,准备好暴风雨应急供应品,包括药品、水、不易腐烂的食品等[4]
Duke Energy Carolinas receives approval for new rates in North Carolina, implements new programs to help customers
Prnewswire· 2024-01-13 02:15
杜克能源卡罗来纳公司费率调整 - 杜克能源卡罗来纳公司将于1月15日为北卡罗来纳客户实施新的费率[2] - 费率将保持在全国平均水平以下,即使在完成约77亿美元的升级工程后[3] - 审批涵盖了多年费率,以及激励和处罚措施,以确保公用事业公司在可靠性和其他绩效指标方面负责[4]
Duke Energy offers tips to save energy and money as temperatures plunge in Ohio and Kentucky
Prnewswire· 2024-01-13 02:04
B-roll of energy-saving tips to combat the cold available here CINCINNATI, Jan. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A wintry mix of precipitation and bitterly cold temperatures are expected to arrive this weekend. Along with severe wind gusts, there is an elevated likelihood for scattered power outages across Ohio and Kentucky. With sub-freezing temperatures on the horizon, Duke Energy is offering some tips for managing energy use and utility bills. Money-saving tips to combat the cold ¢ ¢ o » o ¢ Reduce your thermost ...
Duke Energy gives away trees to celebrate Florida Arbor Day
Prnewswire· 2024-01-12 22:38
o o Strategically planted trees help improve power reliability, conserve energy and maximize environmental benefits Nearly 12,000 free trees distributed since 2017 through collaboration with the Arbor Day Foundation ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Jan. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In honor of Florida Arbor Day, Duke Energy Florida is collaborating with the Arbor Day Foundation's Energy-Saving Trees program to give away 900 trees to Florida customers. Starting on Florida Arbor Day, Jan. 19, Duke Energy customers can reque ...
Duke Energy announces dividend payments to shareholders
Prnewswire· 2024-01-11 23:31
分组1 - 杜克能源宣布每股普通股分红为1.025美元,将于2024年3月18日支付给股东[1] - 杜克能源宣布每股A类优先股分红为359.375美元,相当于每个存托股0.359375美元,将于2024年3月18日支付给股东[1] - 杜克能源宣布每股B类优先股半年度分红为24.375美元,将于2024年3月18日支付给股东[2] 分组2 - 杜克能源连续98年向普通股股东支付现金股息[3]
Duke Energy restores power for more than 425,000 across the Carolinas
Prnewswire· 2024-01-11 00:52
杜克能源电力供应恢复情况 - 杜克能源正在努力恢复卡罗来纳州剩余客户的电力供应[2] - 杜克能源已经恢复了超过42.5万客户的服务,并正在将资源转移到受影响最严重的地区以加快恢复速度[2] - 公司预计大多数客户将在当天恢复电力供应,但对于受到严重损害的地区,可能需要更长时间来恢复[4]