Dominion Energy (D) Stock Declines While Market Improves: Some Information for Investors
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-25 08:16
Dominion Energy股价表现 - Dominion Energy (D) 最新收盘价为 $44.15,较前一交易日下跌了 1.45%[1] - Dominion Energy 过去一个月股价下跌了 4.78%,略低于 Utilities 部门的 6.64% 下跌,也落后于标普 500 指数在同期的上涨 2.4%[2] Dominion Energy财务预测 - Dominion Energy 将于 2024 年 2 月 22 日发布财报,预计每股收益为 $0.40,同比下降了 62.26%,预计营收为 $3.81 亿,同比下降了 22.54%[3] 分析师观点 - 分析师对 Dominion Energy 的最新预测发生了变化,这通常代表着近期业务趋势的变化,积极的变化表明分析师对公司的业务和盈利前景持乐观态度[4]
Investing $135,000 in These Ultra-High Yield Dividend Stocks Could Generate $10,000 in Passive Income for Your Portfolio
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-22 20:11
One of the hallmarks of a diversified portfolio is dividend investments. Dividends can provide investors with steady passive income streams and help strengthen the overall position of your portfolio. The four stocks explored below operate in the energy sector. Given the high dividend yield of each stock, investing $135,000 split equally among these energy leaders could help generate $10,000 of dividend income. Let's dig into why these companies deserve a look for your portfolio and how each has proven to be ...
This High-Yielding Energy Dividend Stock Gets 57% of Its Profit From Oil. But Here's Where Future Profit Growth Will Come From.
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-17 18:07
Enbridge (ENB -0.54%) earns about 16 billion Canadian dollars ($11.9 billion) each year. More than half of that income (57% in 2023) comes from its liquids pipelines business. The energy infrastructure company operates the longest and most-complex crude oil and liquids transportation system in the world. It handles 30% of all the oil produced in North America each year. Enbridge's liquids pipelines are crucial to supporting its big-time dividend (currently yielding 7.3%). But while oil is the company's main ...
Need to Rebalance Your Portfolio? Add These 3 Defensive Stocks NOW
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-16 07:23
For investors banking on some volatility in 2024, now may be a good time to consider rebalancing one’s portfolio. After all, the beginning of the year is often the time many investors consider the balance of their portfolios. Wisely, they want to position themselves for a given 12-month period. Over the next year, interest rates are expected to come down, which could boost growth stocks. However, various highly stable and profitable companies in more defensive sectors may be the better bet. Consider rotatin ...
3 Dirt-Cheap Stocks to Buy Before They Take Off in 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-11 05:59
After the rollercoaster ride which was 2023, many investors are looking for opportunities in the new year. While the broader market recovered strongly, the rally left some high-quality companies behind. With beaten-down valuations but improving fundamentals, these dirt-cheap stocks could be primed for a rebound in 2024. As we enter the year, I’m optimistic about the economic outlook for 2024. Growth is expected to continue, the job market remains robust, and the Fed is likely to start cutting rates. Barring ...
Dream Office: Become An Office Landlord On The Cheap
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-02 20:19
RiverNorthPhotography/iStock via Getty Images The Moat The first thing that strikes me as soon as you look at Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust (D.UN:CA, OTC:DRETF) is its well-curated property portfolio with a very strong moat, so much so that the management never tires of repeating this quality to investors. It owns a portfolio of difficult-to-replace mid-rise heritage office buildings in Toronto's central business district. The moat comes from a high barrier to entry against comparable new supply ...
Near a 52-Week Low, This Dividend Stock Is Worth Buying in December and Holding Well Beyond 2024
The Motley Fool· 2023-12-28 14:21
Dominion Energy (D -1.15%) is up 24.1% from its 52-week low -- which sounds like a lot until you realize the stock is still down 17.9% over the last year and 36.8% over the last five years compared to impressive gains in the S&P 500. Still, the comeback is a big move in a short period of time from a stodgy, reliable, dividend-paying utility. But Dominion has been anything but that -- cutting its dividend in late 2020 and only slightly raising it since then. So how could a company that has disappointed inves ...
Dominion Energy: Dirt Cheap Utilities Leader Likely Reached Peak Pessimism
Seeking Alpha· 2023-12-26 21:30
iantfoto I must admit that Dominion Energy, Inc. (NYSE:D) has been one of the most challenging stocks in my coverage, as my previous bullish thesis on the leading multi- utilities has not panned out. I last updated investors in May 2023, as I assessed D could have formed its long-term bottom. However, the market had other ideas, as the 10Y (US10Y) didn't top out until October 2023. As a result, I believe the market has gotten the downtrend bias in D spot on, as D was battered further. While the timing of my ...
Dominion Energy: I'm Turning Bullish On This 5.6%-Yielding Turnaround Play
Seeking Alpha· 2023-12-24 19:00
公司业务转型 - 公司正在进行业务转型,致力于更可持续的增长、更健康的资产负债表和稳定的股东分配[3] - 公司正在进行资产出售、债务减少等措施,以提供可持续增长的路径[6] - 公司已经完成了将三家天然气分销公司出售给Enbridge的交易,这是业务审查的重要一步[10] 财务状况和风险管理 - 公司致力于维持目前的股息水平,强调了一贯的股息支付的重要性[19] - 公司预计2025年将是业务审查后财务表现的基础年份,将提供全面的财务展望[31] - 公司目前拥有三大评级机构的BBB+评级,只有标普展望为负面[35] - 分析师预计公司将通过2025年保持约460亿至470亿美元的净债务水平,这将使净杠杆率约为6.5倍预期的EBITDA[37] - 公司正在管理利率风险,采取策略如预发行利率对冲来管理风险[38] 市场展望和股价分析 - 公司的股价目标约为48美元,但分析师认为其公平价值目标约为60美元,有潜力增长28%[44] - 尽管公司仍处于摇摆不定的转型阶段,但分析师对其未来的盈利增长潜力持乐观态度[57]
Dominion Energy(D) - 2023 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2023-11-08 00:00
公司财务表现 - 2023年第三季度,公司净收入包括非控股权益为1,759亿美元[13] - 其他综合收益为7亿美元[13] - 2023年第三季度,公司综合收入包括非控股权益为1,766亿美元[13] - 截至2023年9月30日,Dominion Energy的总资产为1059.43亿美元,较2022年底增长了1.2%[14] - Dominion Energy的净收入截至2023年9月30日为47.3亿美元,较2022年同期下降了17.2%[20] - 截至2023年9月30日,Virginia Electric and Power Company的营业收入为264.5亿美元,较2022年同期下降了7.8%[20] - 2023年第三季度净收入为11.58亿美元,较2022年同期增长18.05%[21] - 2023年第三季度其他综合收益为1.5亿美元,较2022年同期增长66.67%[21] - 2023年第三季度现金及现金等价物为3.7亿美元,较2022年同期增长68.18%[22] - 2023年第三季度总资产为56.86亿美元,较2022年同期增长6.92%[22] - 2023年第三季度总负债为38.44亿美元,较2022年同期增长6.89%[23] - 2023年第三季度股东权益为18.42亿美元,较2022年同期增长6.71%[23] - 2023年前三季度净现金流为40.4亿美元,较2022年同期增长189.24%[25] - 公司总资产较2022年同期增长6.92%[22] - 公司总负债较2022年同期增长6.89%[23] - Dominion Energy 2023年9月30日的现金、受限现金和等价物为247百万美元,较2022年同期的340百万美元下降了27%[35] - Dominion Energy 2023年9月30日的应计资本支出为884百万美元,较2022年同期的745百万美元增长了19%[37] - Virginia Power 2023年9月30日的应计资本支出为646百万美元,较2022年同期的454百万美元增长了42%[39] - 2023年第三季度,Dominion Energy的净收入为35亿美元,较2022年同期的净收入56亿美元下降[54] - 2023年前九个月,Dominion Energy的资本支出为35.5亿美元,其中East Ohio Transaction为15.3亿美元,PSNC Transaction为2.9亿美元,Questar Gas Transaction为2.9亿美元[60] - 2023年前九个月,Dominion Energy的销售额中,受管制的电力销售中,工业部门销售额为2.27亿美元,较2022年同期的2.53亿美元下降[66] - 2023年前九个月,Dominion Energy的销售额中,非受管制电力销售额为2.29亿美元,较2022年同期的3.45亿美元下降[66] - 2023年前九个月,Dominion Energy的销售额中,受管制天然气销售额为7.3亿美元,较2022年同期的8.2亿美元下降[66] - 2023年前九个月,Dominion Energy的合同负债余额为8.1亿美元,较2022年底的5.1亿美元增加[69] - Dominion Energy的基本和稀释每股收益分别为0.17美元和0.91美元[76] - Dominion Energy的其他综合收益(净额)在2023年9个月内为40亿美元,其中包括来自养老金、衍生品对冲和其他方面的收益[79] - 截至2023年9月30日,公司的其他综合收益为7亿美元,其中包括来自养老金、衍生品对冲和其他方面的收益[80] - Virginia Power 2023年第三季度AOCI总额为31亿美元,较2022年同期增加18亿美元,主要来自利息和相关费用[81] - Virginia Power 2023年前九个月AOCI总额为31亿美元,较2022年同期增加15亿美元,主要来自利息和相关费用[82] - Dominion Energy和Virginia Power在2023年9月30日的Level 3公允价值测量中,资产总额为160亿美元,负债总额为209亿美元[85] - Dominion Energy 2023年第三季度Level 3公允价值类别中,资产净变动为-49亿美元,负债净变动为-179亿美元[90] - 公司的长期债务在2023年9月为39854万美元,公允价值为35171万美元[91] - 公司的衍生工具和套期会计活动的会计政策、目标和策略在2022年12月31日的年度报告中有详细讨论[93] - Dominion Energy在2023年第三季度衍生品现金流对冲关系中,利率衍生品获得了25百万美元的收益[103] - Dominion Energy在2023年前九个月的利率衍生品中获得了21百万美元的收益[103] - Dominion Energy在2023年第三季度非指定为套期工具的衍生品中,利率和相关费用方面获得了125百万美元的收益[103] - Dominion Energy在2023年第三季度核电退役信托基金中,股权证券的总价值为32.8亿美元[106] - Dominion Energy在2023年第三季度核电退役信托基金中,未实现损益为149百万美元[109] - Dominion Energy在2023年前九个月的股权法下投资中,其他收入中获得了7百万美元的股权收益[111] - Dominion Energy在2023年前九个月从Cove Point获得了2.41亿美元的分配[112] - Dominion Energy在2023年9月与Cove Point达成了20年期的运输和存储服务协议[115] - Dominion Energy在2023年9月出售了其在Cove Point的50%非控制有限合伙权益,获得了33亿美元的现金[116] - Dominion Energy在2023年9月将Cove Point的50%非控制有限合伙权益列为待售资产,并将相关利息费用归类为已中止运营[117] - Dominion Energy在2023年9月30日和2022年12月31日分别在其他流动负债中记录了2.5亿美元和1.14亿美元的责任[120] - Dominion Energy在2023年9月30日和2022年9月30日分别录得了与Atlantic Coast Pipeline相关的股权损失16百万美元和股权