Hitachi Vantara and Cisco Unveil Next-Gen Hybrid Cloud Managed Services to Address Complexity, Cost Challenges
Prnewswire· 2024-01-31 22:00
Hitachi EverFlex与Cisco Powered Hybrid Cloud - 企业越来越依赖混合云环境来现代化他们当前的基础设施,但同时面临着预算紧缩、成本上升和创新需求增加的挑战[2] - Hitachi EverFlex与Cisco Powered Hybrid Cloud旨在直面这些挑战,通过结合Hitachi Vantara在存储、基础设施、托管服务和混合云管理方面的专业知识与Cisco在网络和计算方面的专长,提供一套综合的解决方案[3]
Cisco Systems (CSCO) Falls More Steeply Than Broader Market: What Investors Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-31 07:51
股价表现 - Cisco Systems (CSCO) 最新收盘价为 $52.24,较前一交易日下跌了 0.1% [1] - Cisco Systems 过去一个月的股价涨幅为 3.5%,落后于计算机和技术行业的 6.36% 增长 [2] 财务预测 - Cisco Systems 预计在 2024 年 2 月 14 日公布财报,预计每股收益为 $0.84,同比下降 4.55%,营收预计为 $12.72 亿美元,同比下降 6.38% [3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预计 Cisco Systems 全年每股收益为 $3.89,营收为 $54.39 亿美元,分别较去年变化为 0% 和 -4.58% [4] 分析评级 - Cisco Systems 目前的 Zacks Rank 为 4 (卖出),过去一个月 Zacks Consensus EPS 估计下降了 0.45% [7] 估值比较 - Cisco Systems 目前的 Forward P/E 比率为 13.45,高于行业的 13.12 [8] - Cisco Systems 目前的 PEG 比率为 2.17,高于行业的平均 PEG 比率 0.75 [9] 行业排名 - 计算机和技术行业的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 173,位于所有 250+ 行业的后 32% [10] - Zacks Industry Rank 显示,评级较高的行业通常表现优于评级较低的行业 [11] 交易情况 - 关注 Cisco Systems 的交易情况,可使用 Zacks.com [12]
Cisco Collaborates with Microsoft and Samsung to Deliver Superior Meeting Room Experiences
Prnewswire· 2024-01-30 16:00
Integrated video solutions for seamless and inclusive hybrid meetings that are easy to use and deploy at scale News Summary: ¢ o ¢ New integrated video collaboration solutions for Cisco Room series will feature Microsoft Teams Rooms with Front Row, and Samsung's Smart Signage displays. The partnership will give all meeting participants—remote or in person—an inclusive hybrid meeting experience with the best view of each attendee. Purpose-built Cisco devices for Microsoft Teams combined with Cisco verified d ...
Cisco: Losing It's Steam But Still Provides Value
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-27 21:43
思科业务概况 - 思科专注于设计、制造和销售基于互联网协议的网络产品,涵盖了通信和信息技术领域,产品包括校园和数据中心交换、企业路由、无线解决方案等[2] 思科财务表现 - 思科的净利润率为23.4%,远高于行业中位数2.14%[7] - 思科的重复收入达到245亿美元,产品ARR经历了10%的同比增长,剩余绩效义务(RPO)增长12%[5] - 最近财报显示思科营收达到146.7亿美元,同比增长7.6%,但过去5年的平均营收增长率仅为2.5%[3] - 公司预计2024财年第二季度营收为126亿至128亿美元,全年营收预计为538亿至550亿美元[6] - 2024财年第一季度软件收入同比增长17%,但公司预期的财报数据低于分析师预期[4] 思科股票投资分析 - 总体观点是,目前不建议购买思科股票,因为价格已接近公允价值,且股息增长缺乏动力[1] - 思科的股息收益率约为3%,连续12年增加股息,但增长率仅为3.4%[9] - 思科的估值接近公允价值,当前市盈率为16.6倍,分析师平均目标价为54.07美元/股,预计未来股价可能在43至76美元之间波动[12] - 根据DCF计算,思科的估计公允价值约为55.21美元/股[13] - 从当前价格水平来看,思科的潜在上涨空间仅为5.5%,加上3%的股息收益,年化回报率仍低于标普500指数提供的平均回报率[15] 思科未来展望与风险 - 思科面临的风险包括预计的Q2和Q3困难,由于主要客户的库存水平显著增加,可能导致未来季度增长乏力[16] - 管理层预计收购SPLK将在2024年第三季度结束,这将有助于公司在混合和多云环境中维持数字业务的顺利运行[8] - 总体而言,思科的投资前景存在一些问题,包括2024年营收预期低于预期、历史股息增长乏力以及估值指标的上涨潜力有限[18] - 思科的长期平均增长率低于行业标准,尽管盈利能力良好,但增长轨迹引发疑虑,未来可能面临增长延迟的风险[19]
More than 1 in 4 Organizations Banned Use of GenAI Over Privacy and Data Security Risks - New Cisco Study
Prnewswire· 2024-01-25 21:00
GenAI数据隐私和安全问题 - 大多数组织因数据隐私和安全问题而限制使用生成式人工智能(GenAI)[1] - 48%的组织承认将非公开公司信息输入GenAI工具[1] - 91%的企业认识到他们需要做更多来向客户保证他们的数据在AI中仅用于预期和合法目的[1] - 98%的企业表示外部隐私认证是他们购买决策中的重要因素[1] GenAI隐私担忧和风险管理 - 组织对于GenAI的隐私担忧日益增长,认为GenAI需要新的数据和风险管理技术[2] - 组织对于法律和知识产权权利的威胁以及信息泄露给公众或竞争对手的风险表示担忧[3] - 大多数组织已经意识到这些风险并制定了控制措施来限制风险[4] 消费者对AI数据使用的担忧 - 消费者对于今天涉及其数据的AI使用表示担忧,但91%的组织认识到他们需要做更多来向客户保证他们的数据在AI中仅用于预期和合法目的[4] 组织和个人消费者信任建立的优先事项 - 组织和个人建立消费者信任的优先事项不同,企业更关注遵守隐私法律和避免数据泄露[5] 隐私支出和法律对组织的影响 - 组织认识到需要向客户保证他们的数据如何被使用,98%表示外部隐私认证对他们的购买决策至关重要[6] - 隐私法律对组织产生了积极影响,增强了消费者对选择与之分享数据的组织的信心和信任[8] 隐私支出和投资趋势 - 隐私支出在过去五年中翻了一番,收益持续增长,平均组织报告隐私支出的收益为支出的1.6倍[10] - 2023年,最大的组织(10,000+员工)将隐私支出增加了7-8%,而较小的组织则降低了隐私投资[11]
Cisco Transforms Application Instrumentation with Smart Agent for Cisco AppDynamics
Prnewswire· 2024-01-25 00:00
New Smart Agent for Cisco AppDynamics Dramatically Simplifies the Installation, Configuration and Upgrade of Application and Infrastructure Agents. News Summary: » ¢ » Simplifies full-stack application instrumentation and centralized agent lifecycle management. Centrally manages all deployed agents using intelligent user interface-driven automation, dramatically reducing the need for time-consuming, manual intervention. Increases operational efficiency, improves software compliance and enables customers to ...
New GlobalMeet Chief Executive Officer Appointed by Pivotal Group
Businesswire· 2024-01-23 22:00
PHOENIX--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GlobalMeet, the fastest-growing, unrivaled leader in virtual event technology used by 5 out of 10 of the largest US banks, all Big Four Consulting Firms, and 50% of Fortune 500 pharmaceutical and biotech companies, today announces the appointment of visionary leader Kim Niederman as CEO. GlobalMeet enables live and fully interactive events to audiences as large as 100,000+ people. Niederman has a formidable track record in steering tech companies to record success and will drive Gl ...
2 IoT stocks staging a 2024 tipping-point year
MarketBeat· 2024-01-23 21:00
Impinj - Impinj是一家开发RAIN RFID芯片和读卡器的公司,为客户提供物联网(IoT)解决方案,客户包括可口可乐、思科和沃尔沃[1] - Impinj在2023年第四季度上调了其营收和利润预期,Needham重申其“买入”评级,并将目标股价从每股85美元提高到115美元[1] Samsara - Samsara在2024财季第三季度报告中实现了40%的年度收入增长,公司提供全面的物联网应用硬件和软件解决方案,客户包括[17]
3 Dogs of the Dow Picks for the New Year
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-20 04:17
Last year was a great one for stocks, with the Nasdaq having one of its best calendar year gains in the recent past and the S&P 500 performing well, too. However, with 2023 behind us, it is time to look forward and potentially add to existing holdings. One place to look is the 2024 Dogs of the Dow list. It comprises the 10 stocks with the highest yields at the end of the calendar year 2023. They are usually companies that have operational challenges. Alternatively, the sector or industry may have been out o ...
Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) is Attracting Investor Attention: Here is What You Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-17 23:32
Cisco Systems (CSCO) has recently been on Zacks.com's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future. Over the past month, shares of this seller of routers, switches, software and services have returned +0.8%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +1.2% change. During this period, the Zacks Computer - Networking industry, which Cisco falls in, has gained 1.8%. The key question now is: What co ...