Carnival (CCL)
Holland America Line Becomes First Global Cruise Line to Receive International Seafood Certifications
Prnewswire· 2024-04-08 22:00
全球新鲜鱼计划 - 荷兰美洲航线的全球新鲜鱼计划得到了提升,强调品牌致力于为客人提供最高质量的可持续采购的海鲜[2] 餐饮体验提升 - 荷兰美洲航线的餐饮体验将在所有11艘船上提供经过认证的海鲜菜肴,包括主餐厅、市场和特色餐厅,涵盖来自九个地区的认证海鲜[8]
Award-Winning Actress & Performer Hannah Waddingham to Serve as Godmother of Stunning Sun Princess
Prnewswire· 2024-04-08 21:00
公主邮轮Sun Princess介绍 - 英国女演员兼歌手汉娜·瓦丁汉姆将担任Sun Princess的教母[1] - Sun Princess是一艘177,882吨、4,300名乘客的新船,于2024年2月28日开始首航,并在地中海进行一系列航行[3] Sun Princess设施 - Sun Princess提供了30个餐厅和酒吧场所,包括魔术城堡、大海之恋、屠夫区、海上捕捞和Rob Floyd的独特鸡尾酒[6][7][8][9][10][11] - Sun Princess拥有技术先进的Princess Arena剧院、最大的赌场、两层楼的莲花温泉和超过200个高端品牌的零售环境[13][14] Sun Princess环保特点 - Sun Princess是邮轮公司首艘采用液化天然气(LNG)的船只,致力于可持续发展和环保巡航[17]
3 No-Brainer Stocks to Buy With $20 Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-08 01:30
Yes, it's possible to get started investing with just $20. If you're just getting started investing, you might not have a lot of cash you can put to work. Maybe you only have $20 to invest right now. The good news is that most brokerages have done away with account minimums and commissions, which means you can get started with any amount of money, even $20. Some brokerages will let you purchase fractional shares, which means you can buy a piece of any company in the stock market regardless of share price. B ...
Carnival Is Attracting a Shocking Number of New Customers, Can It Last?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-07 17:20
公司表现 - 公司在2023年结束时,客房入住率达到了COVID前水平的98%[2] - 公司在2023年的单位调整后的EBITDA超过了2019年的水平[2] - 公司在第四季度2023年的电话会议中表示,他们吸引了超过350万名新乘客,并且有能力继续从陆地旅游选择中蚕食市场份额[3] 乘客吸引力 - 2023年,嘉年华公司吸引了350万名首次乘客,其中有51%是新乘客[1] - 选择乘坐邮轮相比迪士尼乐园等地的旅行成本更具吸引力[4] - 那些曾经预订过邮轮的客户很可能会成为重复乘客,这有助于提高公司未来的业绩[6] 投资者建议 - 尽管吸引新乘客的增长速度很快,但这种增长速度很难持续下去,因为邮轮行业受经济影响较大,船只数量有限,增长速度也受到基本数学规律的限制[8] - 投资者应该对公司的表现保持理性,不要过于激动,因为这种增长速度很难持续[9] - 投资者应该做好准备,这些好消息可能会转为坏消息,但这并不意味着嘉年华公司会变成一家糟糕的公司,只是这个好消息的故事将走到尽头[10]
Princess and Brightline Unveil New 'Rail & Sail' Program Offering Affordable, Convenient Transportation and Luggage Express Service for Guests Sailing from Florida Ports
Prnewswire· 2024-04-06 04:17
New Customized Train Wrap Design, Special Limited Time Offer Herald New Partnership ORLANDO, Fla., April 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Princess Cruises, the world's most iconic cruise brand, and Brightline, the intercity passenger rail seamlessly connecting travelers to top destinations and major events in Central and South Florida, have joined forces to introduce the innovative Rail & Sail program, offering guests swift and hassle-free access to Princess cruise ships departing from two popular Florida homeports ...
Prnewswire· 2024-04-05 21:00
Carnival Firenze号邮轮 - 金融分析师Jonathan Bennett被任命为Carnival Firenze号邮轮的教父[2] - Carnival Firenze号将以意大利佛罗伦萨为灵感,是第二艘采用Carnival Fun Italian Style主题的Carnival邮轮[3] - Carnival Firenze号将于4月24日在加利福尼亚隆比奇进行命名仪式,并于4月25日开始首航[4]
The 3 Best Cruise Stocks to Buy in April 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-05 01:15
邮轮行业表现 - 部分邮轮公司股票在过去几个月里表现良好,消费者再次涌向全球各地的游轮,导致股价大幅上涨[1] - Viking Holdings最近宣布向证券交易委员会(SEC)申请上市,显示游轮行业热度高涨[1] - 根据路透社报道,游客们已经开始预订2024年的游轮,预订量比疫情前更高,今年预计有3,570万消费者将进行游轮旅行,比2023年的3,150万人增加[1] 皇家加勒比邮轮(RCL) - 皇家加勒比邮轮(RCL)股价从2022年中期的35美元左右上涨至138.49美元,表现强劲[3] - 皇家加勒比邮轮最近一季度总收入达到近140亿美元,得益于强劲需求和创纪录的预订量,公司预计这种趋势将持续[5] - 皇家加勒比邮轮调高了全年每股调整后盈利指导范围至9.90至10.10美元,预计2024年所有季度和所有主要产品的预订量均超过去年同期,消费者的船上消费支出继续超过以往年份[6] - 麦格理分析师将皇家加勒比邮轮的目标股价从145美元上调至160美元,并给予跑赢市场评级,认为需求强劲[7] 嘉年华(CCL) - 嘉年华(CCL)股价从2022年的6.15美元上涨至最近的15.14美元,尽管受到巴尔的摩桥梁坍塌事件的影响,但公司盈利稳健,现金流也有所改善[10][11][12] - 斯蒂费尔分析师重申对嘉年华股票的买入评级,并将目标股价定为25美元,认为如果消费者需求持续,嘉年华有望超过2024年的指导[13] Defiance酒店航空和邮轮ETF(CRUZ) - Defiance酒店航空和邮轮ETF(CRUZ)是一个低成本的多元化投资选择,跟踪62家酒店、航空和邮轮公司股票,包括希尔顿酒店、万豪国际、皇家加勒比邮轮、嘉年华、达美航空和联合航空等[14][16] - CRUZ ETF在2023年底从17美元左右上涨至23美元,具有较高的增长潜力,同时提供对邮轮、酒店和航空公司的广泛暴露[15][17]
Carnival Corporation Port Destination, Mahogany Bay Cruise Center, Earns Ecological Blue Flag Distinction for Exceptional Environmental Stewardship
Prnewswire· 2024-04-04 21:30
The world's largest cruise company's commitment to sustainability and the enchanting beauty of Mahogany Bay in Roatan, Honduras, recognized with top environmental honor MIAMI, April 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Carnival Corporation & plc (NYSE/LSE: CCL; NYSE: CUK), the world's largest cruise company, proudly announces that its port destination Mahogany Bay Cruise Center has been awarded the prestigious Honduran Ecological Blue Flag distinction for 2022-2023 by the Honduras Ministry of Tourism. This accolade, rec ...
Holland America Line Teams Up with Audible to Offer a Virtual Book Club Allowing Guests to Stay Connected to the Brand On Board and Ashore
Prnewswire· 2024-04-04 21:00
霍兰美线与Audible合作 - 霍兰美线与Audible合作推出共同品牌的读书俱乐部,是首家与Audible合作的邮轮公司[1] - 读书俱乐部每月会选择一本有关旅行、文学、科幻、浪漫或悬疑等主题的有声书或Audible原创作品,与社交媒体互动[4] Audible提供的服务 - Audible会为霍兰美线的游客提供免费的目的地主题有声书合集,包括阿拉斯加、欧洲、加拿大、亚洲、加勒比海和世界旅行等主题[6] - 游客在船上可以通过客房内的娱乐系统免费收听各种类型的Audible内容,包括健康、适合全家观看的内容以及语言学习[7] - Audible还提供荷兰语、法语、西班牙语和日语等语言的初学者课程,适合在霍兰美线游轮上访问这些地区的游客[8] 合作范围 - Audible与霍兰美线的独家合作机会仅适用于美国、加拿大、荷兰、英国和澳大利亚的消费者,无需乘船即可注册免费试用Audible[9]
Holland America Line Releases Refreshed 2025 Grand World Voyage Itinerary Including New Ports, Different Entry to Europe
Prnewswire· 2024-04-04 01:50
Adjusted route will avoid the Red Sea in order to prioritize safety while providing guests increased certainty well ahead of the voyage SEATTLE, April 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In order to prioritize safety and give travelers adequate time to plan, Holland America Line released a refreshed itinerary for its 2025 Grand World Voyage sailing aboard Zuiderdam. The updated itinerary includes portions to replace the previously announced route through the Red Sea, while adding new ports in Africa and Europe as well ...