Dutch Bros(BROS)
Where Will Dutch Bros Stock Be in 10 Years?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-05 23:00
After debuting on the public markets to strong gains at the end of 2021, Dutch Bros (BROS -2.17%) has seen its shares plummet. The stock had a volatile 2023, even though it ended up rising by 12% last year, a gain that underperformed the S&P 500. But it's always good to adopt a long-term approach when investing in the stock market. As we look out a decade from now, where could this up-and-coming coffee stock be? The best possible outcome It's not a surprise that investors are probably most drawn to this sto ...
Why Dutch Bros (BROS) Could Beat Earnings Estimates Again
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-30 02:11
Looking for a stock that has been consistently beating earnings estimates and might be well positioned to keep the streak alive in its next quarterly report? Dutch Bros (BROS) , which belongs to the Zacks Beverages - Soft drinks industry, could be a great candidate to consider. This drive-thru coffee chain operator and franchisor has seen a nice streak of beating earnings estimates, especially when looking at the previous two reports. The average surprise for the last two quarters was 92.86%. For the last r ...
3 Consumer Discretionary Stocks to Buy as Retail Sales Rebound in 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-24 18:13
Dutch Bros - 专业投行Stifel将Dutch Bros的评级从“持有”调升至“买入”,目标股价为35美元[2] - 预计Dutch Bros今年营收将从9.64亿美元增长至12亿美元,每股收益将从27美分增至37美分[3] lululemon - lululemon发布正面预告,预计本季度营收将增长14%至15%[5] - lululemon预计本季度每股收益将达到4.96至5美元[6] - lululemon在中国的营收同比增长53%[7] Rivian - Rivian的前景继续看好,投行Needham将其股票列入“信心名单”,认为需求稳固[9] - Rivian受益于强劲的电动车交付需求,包括来自亚马逊和AT&T的交付车辆[10]
5 Soft Drink Stocks to Watch Amid Favorable Industry Trends
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-23 23:46
行业趋势 - 软饮料行业正经历转型期,受健康意识、可持续性和创新的影响[1] - 行业参与者通过创新、适应性和关注消费者福祉,长期内市场份额增长[1] - 数字投资加速向电子商务和直销渠道发展,前景看好[1] - 美国软饮料行业的趋势包括对更健康选择的需求增加,以及对天然成分、低糖含量和功能性好处的追求[4] - 行业公司正在探索CBD注入饮料,这在近期变得越来越受欢迎[4] 成本压力与市场份额 - 行业面临成本通胀压力,包括运输和商品成本,但采取措施应对[2] - 行业公司通过扩展到新类别和相邻类别,包括通过合作在RTD酒类饮料类别中占据市场份额,实现增长[2] - 行业公司预计从扩展到新类别和相邻类别中受益,包括通过合作在快速增长的RTD酒类饮料类别中占据市场份额[4] 投资前景与盈利能力 - 行业公司加速数字投资,以满足消费者在线购物的需求,预计长期增长[4] - Zacks行业排名显示软饮料行业前景良好,位于Zacks行业排名第33位,超过250个行业中的前13%[5] - 行业公司的整体盈利前景积极,分析师逐渐对该行业的盈利增长潜力充满信心[7] - 软饮料行业的股票在过去一年中表现优于消费必需品部门,但落后于标普500指数[9] - 软饮料行业的前瞻12个月市盈率为19.29X,低于标普500的20.2X和部门的17.05X[13]
3 Things to Know About Dutch Bros Stock
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-21 21:30
Up-and-coming coffee chain Dutch Bros (BROS 1.95%) stormed into the public markets back in 2021, raising nearly half a billion dollars in its initial public offering (IPO) with a first-day closing price of $36.92 per share. But Dutch Bros shares have largely languished since then despite strong growth from its underlying business. If you're considering whether Dutch Bros stock might be worthy of a spot in your portfolio, here are three things you'll want to know. 1. Dutch Bros' Rewards program is driving ma ...
If You Can't Start Your Day Without Coffee, Then You Might Love This Company Looking to Take On Starbucks
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-21 00:15
公司背景 - Dutch Bros是一家总部位于俄勒冈州的新兴咖啡品牌,可能不如星巴克那么知名,但其快速增长的势头可能会对咖啡行业造成颠覆性影响[4] - Dutch Bros注重快速友好的服务质量,通过培养独特的文化和高标准的员工,赢得了顾客的忠诚度[8] - 尽管零售行业面临劳动力成本上涨等挑战,但Dutch Bros通过开设新店和提高同店销售额,成功加速了营收增长,展现出公司的品牌忠诚度和管理层在复杂宏观环境中的应对能力[13]
Dutch Bros Inc. Announces Expanded Operations Support Center in Phoenix, Arizona
Businesswire· 2024-01-18 05:05
GRANTS PASS, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dutch Bros Inc. (NYSE: BROS; the “Company” or “Dutch Bros”) one of the fastest-growing brands in the quick service beverage industry in the United States by location count, today announced it intends to expand operations at its Phoenix, Arizona office. The Company anticipates providing further details on the expansion during its Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2023 earnings call in mid- February. “Dutch Bros is a brand built on relationships, whether they’re at the window or ...
Forget Dutch Bros: Buy This Magnificent Coffee Stock Instead
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-14 23:50
As a business that had its initial public offering just over two years ago, and one that's fully focused on growth above anything else, Dutch Bros (BROS -1.10%) is certainly catching the attention of investors. Their hope is that as it rapidly expands the number of coffee shops it operates, its sales will climb, and shareholders will achieve massive gains. But if you're looking to add Dutch Bros to your portfolio, it might be best to forget about it. Starbucks (SBUX -1.03%) is a magnificent coffee stock to ...
Dutch Bros(BROS) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-11-11 18:30
业绩总结 - 公司经营的店铺在2023年第三季度实现了236.5百万美元的营收,同比增长了36%[10] - 公司经营的店铺在2023年第三季度实现了31.0%的贡献率,较去年同期增长了5.4%[10] - 公司预计2023年全年新店开业数量至少为150家,公司经营店铺开业数量至少为130家[10] - 2023年第三季度总收入为26.45亿美元,较2022年同期增长33.1%[13] - 公司经营店铺收入为23.65亿美元,较2022年同期增长36.4%[14] - 公司经营店铺毛利润为5.7亿美元,较2022年同期增长41.7%[15] - 公司经营店铺AUV为2.0美元,较2022年同期增长5.0%[16] - 公司经营店铺数量从2022年第四季度的396家增长至2023年第三季度的510家[17] - 调整后的EBITDA为5.3亿美元,较2022年同期增长122.6%[27]
Dutch Bros(BROS) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-11-08 12:22
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在第三季度实现了33%的收入增长和91%的经调整EBITDA增长,表现出色 [10] - 公司的公司运营店贡献率达到31%,同比提升540个基点,显示出强劲的盈利能力 [36][37] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司运营店业务在第三季度实现了36%的销售收入增长和65%以上的店铺贡献增长 [35] - 公司运营店的店铺贡献率达到31%,体现了定价、运营效率提升和进入成本较低市场的积极影响 [36][37] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在德克萨斯州的表现良好,尽管该州的平均客单价略低于整体平均水平,但店铺盈利能力仍与其他地区相当 [81][83] - 公司计划继续在德克萨斯州开设新店,保持快速扩张步伐 [83] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将继续专注于人才培养和发展,通过内部晋升的方式培养店长,为未来发展奠定基础 [23][24] - 公司调整了门店开发策略,将更多采用build-to-suit租赁模式,以降低初期资本投入 [27] - 公司正在开发新的门店原型,以更有效地进入新市场并提高单店收益 [27] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对公司的长期发展前景充满信心,认为公司已为未来5年的发展奠定了坚实基础 [12][13][15][16] - 管理层表示将继续投资于人才培养、技术升级和品牌推广,以推动公司的长期可持续发展 [23][32][42] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Jeffrey Bernstein 提问** 询问公司在定价和客流方面的策略和信心 [57][58][59] **Christine Barone 回答** 公司正在密切关注不同收入水平客户的反应,并将根据市场反馈调整定价策略,同时也在通过创新产品、会员计划和广告投放等方式来刺激客流 [59][60][61][62] 问题2 **Sara Senatore 提问** 询问公司未来门店开发速度是否会放缓 [66][67][68][69][70] **Christine Barone 回答** 公司将在年末时提供更全面的2024年指引,包括门店开发速度等关键指标 [69][70] 问题3 **Charley Jemley 回答** 公司正在采取多种措施来降低门店开发成本,包括调整租赁模式、优化门店原型设计等,但短期内难以完全抵消成本上涨的影响 [84][85][114][115][116]