Stop! Don't Buy AI Stock. There Are Better Options Out There!
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-19 19:35
C3.ai (NYSE:AI) stock last year became one of the more popular AI plays out there. Compared to other top AI stocks, C3.ai is a considerably smaller enterprise. The stock has a market cap of just $3 billion, and this year the company should generate just $305.5 million in revenue. At the same time, this enterprise isn’t a fly-by-night operation. Founded by billionaire software entrepreneur Thomas Siebel, and in business for 15 years, I can see why the bulls believe C3.ai could be a dark horse contender in th ...
3 AI Stocks With Big Catalysts Coming in Q1
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-17 09:03
With the artificial intelligence (AI) buzz capturing global attention, discerning investors must identify stocks with concrete revenue gains from AI. Analysts project the AI revolution as the fourth industrial revolution, foreseeing widespread applications across industries. Notable sectors like cybersecurity have successfully employed AI for threat detection, showcasing its potential beyond early adopters like Google. That said, these innovative players, marked by market dominance and cutting-edge advancem ...
Missed Out on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Boom? My Best AI Stock to Buy and Hold.
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-17 03:19
If you haven't bought any artificial intelligence (AI) stocks yet, you might feel like you missed the boat. Shares of AI experts such as Nvidia and C3.ai have doubled or tripled over the last year, riding the tailwind of massive interest in generative AI tools such as ChatGPT. Surely it's too late to jump aboard that skyrocketing bandwagon by now. Right? Well, not so fast. Some of the best AI specialists actually missed that boat, too. Their stocks have been left behind the general frenzy, giving astute inv ...
Why Did C3.ai Stock Climb 150% Last Year?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-16 04:36
Shares of C3.ai (AI -4.20%) rose 156.6% in 2023, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. The company took advantage of surging demand for artificial intelligence technology, and its revenue growth rate reaccelerated after slowing down throughout 2022. Those positive operational developments combined with favorable market forces to create some momentum that drove C3.ai higher. However, there was also some discouraging news, and investors should understand the risks before piling on the AI band ...
Will We See an "AI Hangover" or an AI Surge in 2024?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-15 21:22
人工智能在股市中的影响 - 2023年,人工智能主导了股市的话题,推动了标普500指数上涨24%,纳斯达克综合指数飙升43%[1] - 尽管股价上涨,除了英伟达(NVDA)之外,很少有公司在过去一年中从人工智能中看到了显著的业务影响[2] - 技术股的涨势主要是由于人们对生成式人工智能将成为下一个变革性技术的期望所推动,投资者对这一趋势感到兴奋[4] - 大多数公司的财务数据尚未反映出这些期望,但大多数“七巨头”股票的市盈率在过去一年中出现增长[5] - 除了英伟达和亚马逊之外,大多数“七巨头”看到了其市盈率扩大,其中四家公司的市盈率增长了两位数百分比[7] 人工智能的潜力 - 人工智能的潜力是真实的,许多证据表明生成式人工智能的颠覆性潜力是真实的[9] - 技术公司正在快速投资于人工智能技术,英伟达刚刚宣布了在医疗保健、游戏、零售和汽车行业等多个领域的新合作伙伴关系[10] - 2024年,我们可能会看到真正的人工智能赢家和像C3.ai这样的骗子之间的分化[13] - 英伟达已经成为迄今为止最大的人工智能赢家,半导体行业似乎将是首批受益于这项新技术的公司[16] 技术发展与市场反应 - 尽管可能会出现人们对技术感到幻灭的情况,但这并不意味着技术只是炒作,互联网的真正影响需要更长的时间来展现[15]
Forget C3.ai: Buy This Killer Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock Instead
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-14 19:55
There's a strong argument that 2023 was the year that artificial intelligence (AI) came of age, sparking a market recovery in the process. After plunging 35% in 2022, the Nasdaq Composite rebounded with a vengeance last year, gaining 43%. While AI has been around for decades, recent advances in the field of generative AI have been a game changer. This breakthrough technology can, among other things, create original text and images based on a few user prompts. But that's just the beginning. These sophisticat ...
Investors Heavily Search C3.ai, Inc. (AI): Here is What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-10 08:33
C3.ai, Inc. (AI) has been one of the most searched-for stocks on Zacks.com lately. So, you might want to look at some of the facts that could shape the stock's performance in the near term. Over the past month, shares of this company have returned +1.5%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +3.5% change. During this period, the Zacks Computers - IT Services industry, which C3.ai, Inc. falls in, has gained 3%. The key question now is: What could be the stock's future direction? Although media reports or ...
7 Meme Stocks That Might Actually Be Worse Bets Than AMC
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-09 19:45
With the “risk on” mentality of late 2023 fading fast thus far in 2024, it may be a good time to decide what are the meme stocks to sell. Mostly, because even if the macroeconomic picture improves this year, many of the most popular meme plays lack the fundamentals necessary to sustain their current stock prices.m Much less, justify a move to higher prices. A good example is with AMC Entertainment (NYSE:AMC), which as you know was at one point one of the most popular meme stocks out there. As I recently arg ...
Why Are Chip Stocks Up Today?
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-09 04:39
Nvidia新AI芯片推出计划 - Nvidia计划在第二季度推出新的AI芯片H20,以满足中国市场需求[3] 新芯片推迟可能影响公司未来收益 - 新芯片的推迟可能影响公司未来季度的收益,具体影响尚不明确[4] Nvidia在中国市场的竞争和挑战 - Nvidia的A800和H800 AI芯片因美国政府禁止向中国出口而受到影响,新的H20芯片有望帮助公司在中国市场保持市场份额[5] - 尽管Nvidia的芯片在业内颇受好评,但由于对H20和其他潜在新芯片的监管加强可能会带来未来的挑战[6] 投资者对Nvidia未来增长的期待 - Nvidia投资者有望看到公司未来的潜在增长动力,这对看好公司长期前景的投资者来说是个好消息[7]
C3.ai Is Broadening Its Market And Accelerating Pilot Deals
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-09 01:25
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