Will Acadia Healthcare (ACHC) Beat Estimates Again in Its Next Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-10-16 01:15
If you are looking for a stock that has a solid history of beating earnings estimates and is in a good position to maintain the trend in its next quarterly report, you should consider Acadia Healthcare (ACHC) . This company, which is in the Zacks Medical - Hospital industry, shows potential for another earnings beat.When looking at the last two reports, this provider of inpatient behavioral health care services has recorded a strong streak of surpassing earnings estimates. The company has topped estimates b ...
ACHC LEGAL NOTICE: Acadia Healthcare Company is being Investigated for Securities Fraud after Stock Drops 17%; Investors with Losses are Urged to Contact BFA Law (Nasdaq:ACHC)
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-15 18:13
NEW YORK, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading securities law firm Bleichmar Fonti & Auld LLP announces an investigation into Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACHC) for potential violations of the federal securities laws. If you invested in Acadia Healthcare, you are encouraged to obtain additional information by visiting https://www.bfalaw.com/cases-investigations/acadia-healthcare-company-inc. Why Did Acadia Healthcare’s Stock Drop? Acadia is one of the largest for-profit chains of psychiatr ...
ACHC SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Acadia Healthcare Company is Under Investigation for Securities Fraud after 17% Stock Drop; Investors are Urged to Contact BFA Law (Nasdaq:ACHC)
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-13 19:22
NEW YORK, Oct. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading securities law firm Bleichmar Fonti & Auld LLP announces an investigation into Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACHC) for potential violations of the federal securities laws. If you invested in Acadia Healthcare, you are encouraged to obtain additional information by visiting https://www.bfalaw.com/cases-investigations/acadia-healthcare-company-inc. Why Did Acadia Healthcare’s Stock Drop? Acadia is one of the largest for-profit chains of psychiatr ...
ACHC INVESTOR NEWS: Acadia Healthcare Company Investors that Suffered Losses are Encouraged to Contact BFA Law about Ongoing Investigation into the Company (Nasdaq:ACHC)
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-11 18:33
文章核心观点 - 美国最大的营利性精神病院连锁公司Acadia Healthcare公司因涉嫌医疗欺诈而受到联邦调查 [1][2] - Acadia Healthcare公司被指在2014年至2017年期间向Medicare和Medicaid提交虚假索赔,并同意支付1985万美元和解款 [2] - 根据纽约时报的调查报告,Acadia Healthcare公司的一些违规行为至今仍在持续 [2] - 这些负面消息导致Acadia Healthcare公司股价大跌超过17% [3] 公司概况 - Acadia Healthcare公司是美国最大的营利性精神病院连锁公司之一 [1] 违规行为 - Acadia Healthcare公司在2014年至2017年期间向Medicare和Medicaid提交虚假索赔,包括为不符合条件的患者提供治疗,以及未能及时将不再需要治疗的患者出院 [2] - 根据纽约时报的调查报告,Acadia Healthcare公司的一些违规行为至今仍在持续 [2] 调查和处罚 - Acadia Healthcare公司收到来自纽约南区联邦检察官办公室的信息请求、密苏里西区联邦法院的grand jury传票,以及预计将收到美国证券交易委员会的类似要求,涉及公司的患者入院、住院时长和计费实践 [2] - Acadia Healthcare公司同意支付1985万美元和解款,以解决上述指控 [2] 股价影响 - Acadia Healthcare公司股价在2024年9月27日的交易中下跌超过17% [3]
ACHC FRAUD NEWS: BFA Law Reminds Acadia Healthcare Company Investors to Contact the Firm about its Ongoing Securities Fraud Investigation (Nasdaq:ACHC)
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-09 18:42
文章核心观点 - 美国最大的营利性精神病院连锁公司Acadia Healthcare公司因涉嫌医疗欺诈而受到联邦调查 [1][2] - Acadia Healthcare公司被指在2014年至2017年期间向Medicare和Medicaid提交虚假索赔,并继续实施非法行为至今 [2] - Acadia Healthcare公司股价在2024年9月27日下跌超过17% [3] 公司概况 - Acadia Healthcare公司是美国最大的营利性精神病院连锁公司之一 [1] 调查和指控 - Acadia Healthcare公司收到来自纽约南区联邦检察官办公室的信息请求、密苏里西区联邦法院的grand jury传票,以及预计将收到证券交易委员会的类似要求,涉及公司的患者入院、住院时长和计费实践 [2] - Acadia Healthcare公司同意支付1,985万美元,以解决2014年至2017年期间向Medicare和Medicaid提交虚假索赔的指控 [2] - 《纽约时报》的调查报告发现,Acadia Healthcare公司在2014年至2017年期间实施的非法行为至今仍在继续 [2] 股价影响 - Acadia Healthcare公司股价在2024年9月27日下跌超过17% [3]
ACHC INVESTOR ALERT: Bronstein, Gewirtz and Grossman, LLC Announces an Investigation into Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-09 04:00
NEW YORK, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Attorney Advertising--Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC is investigating potential claims on behalf of purchasers of Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (“Acadia” or “the Company”) (NASDAQ: ACHC). Investors who purchased Acadia securities are encouraged to obtain additional information and assist the investigation by visiting the firm’s site: bgandg.com/ACHC. Investigation Details On Sunday, September 1, 2024, The New York Times published an article entitled “How a L ...
ACHC STOCK NOTICE: Acadia Healthcare Company is being Investigated for Securities Fraud; Contact BFA Law if You Suffered Losses (Nasdaq:ACHC)
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-07 18:14
文章核心观点 - Acadia Healthcare Company是美国最大的营利性精神病院连锁公司之一 [1] - Acadia Healthcare公司被指存在虚报患者入院、住院时长和账单等违规行为,并被要求支付1985万美元和解款 [2] - Acadia Healthcare公司股价在2024年9月27日下跌超过17% [3] 公司概况 - Acadia Healthcare是美国最大的营利性精神病院连锁公司之一 [1] - 公司被指存在虚报患者入院、住院时长和账单等违规行为 [2] - 公司于2024年9月27日披露收到美国司法部门的调查要求 [2] - 公司此前曾于2014-2017年间向Medicare和Medicaid虚报费用,被要求支付1985万美元和解款 [2] 股价走势 - Acadia Healthcare公司股价在2024年9月27日下跌超过17% [3] - 股价下跌是由于公司被指存在违规行为并受到调查 [3]
ACHC INVESTIGATION ALERT: Acadia Healthcare Company Investors are Notified to Contact BFA Law about Securities Fraud Investigation (Nasdaq:ACHC)
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-05 18:50
NEW YORK, Oct. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading securities law firm Bleichmar Fonti & Auld LLP announces an investigation into Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACHC) for potential violations of the federal securities laws. If you invested in Acadia Healthcare, you are encouraged to obtain additional information by visiting https://www.bfalaw.com/cases-investigations/acadia-healthcare-company-inc. Why Did Acadia Healthcare's Stock Drop? Acadia is one of the largest for-profit chains of psychiatri ...
ACHC SHAREHOLDER ALERT Acadia Healthcare Investigated for Securities Law Violations by Block & Leviton; Investors Should Contact the Firm to Recover Losses
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-04 20:00
BOSTON, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BOSTON, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Block & Leviton is investigating Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACHC) for potential securities law violations. Investors who have lost money in their Acadia Healthcare investment should contact the firm to learn more about how they might recover those losses. For more details, visit https://blockleviton.com/cases/achc. What is this all about? On September 26, Acadia Healthcare agreed to a $19.5 million settlement w ...
Kirby McInerney LLP is Investigating Potential Shareholder Claims Against Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (ACHC)
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-04 03:47
NEW YORK, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The law firm of Kirby McInerney LLP reminds investors that the firm is investigating potential claims against Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc. (“Acadia” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ACHC). The investigation concerns whether Acadia and/or certain of its officers have violated the federal securities laws and/or engaged in other unlawful business practices. [Click here to learn more about the investigation] On September 1, 2024, The New York Times published a report on ...