Abbott Labs' Reversal Is Here - CGM Tailwinds In 2024
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-28 02:18
公司业绩 - ABT公司在2023年第四季度的收入电话会议中报告了营收达到102.4亿美元,同比增长1.5%,调整后每股收益为1.19美元,同比增长15.5%[4] - ABT公司的医疗设备需求增长,尤其是糖尿病护理领域,最新季度销售额达到15.1%,同比增长2.6%[5] - ABT公司的Freestyle Libre连续血糖监测系统全球用户超过500万,美国用户达到200万,每位用户年化收入达到1000美元[6] - ABT公司预计2024年将实现营收增长,Libre 3产品推出后将进一步提升公司前景[8] 投资和财务 - ABT公司在美国儿童营养品和血管、结构心脏、心电生理领域的投资取得成功,进一步提升公司前景[11] - ABT公司在2023年采取了谨慎措施,将运营费用调整至疫情前水平,同时扩大运营利润率至20.1%[13] - ABT公司优先考虑降低资产负债表,截至最新季度长期债务为135.9亿美元,现金/投资为72.7亿美元[14] 市场前景和股票估值 - ABT公司的前瞻性估计显示,预计到2026年,公司的营收和利润将以6.2%和8.6%的复合年增长率增长[16] - ABT公司的股票目前交易于公允价值范围内,根据2023年调整后每股收益和前瞻性市盈率,股价估值为114.80美元,未来潜力为146.90美元[22] - ABT公司的股息投资前景良好,利息覆盖率和股息覆盖率均优于行业中位数,5年股息增长率为12.39%[23]
3 Blue-Chip Stocks to Buy to Bolster Your Portfolio
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-27 03:44
Conagra (CAG) - Conagra在2024财年上半年的自由现金流几乎比上一财年同期高出六倍,展现出良好的资本管理和现金流转化能力 [3] Pfizer (PFE) - Pfizer在2023年获得了九个新分子实体的批准,显示出其强大的产品管线和战略举措 [9] Abbott (ABT) - Abbott在过去两年中宣布了超过25个新的增长机会,表明其在研发方面的投资加速 [14] - Abbott在不同业务领域运营,包括成熟制药品(EPD)、营养、诊断和医疗设备,每个领域都有特定的增长潜力 [15] - Abbott在核心实验室诊断领域的增长接近10%,得益于Alinity系统的成功 [16] - Abbott的多元化收入来源降低了风险并提供了稳定性,其在儿童和成人营养以及连续葡萄糖监测系统等领域的市场领先地位显示了其多元化业务组合的竞争优势 [17] - Abbott在整体水平上不断超越销售和盈利预期,表明其在各业务领域的韧性 [18] - Abbott的产品组合和提供顶级可持续表现的基本能力,导致了稳健的估值增长潜力 [19]
Abbott (ABT) Up 5.8% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-24 01:36
It has been about a month since the last earnings report for Abbott (ABT) . Shares have added about 5.8% in that time frame, outperforming the S&P 500. Will the recent positive trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Abbott due for a pullback? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at its most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important catalysts. Abbott Q4 Earnings Match Estimates, Margins Expand Abbo ...
Recession-Proof Riches: 7 Stocks to Buy for Bulletproof Portfolio Growth
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-23 20:05
Investors in the vulnerable global economy constantly seek the Holy Grail: stocks immune to economic downturns. As the stock markets sway with economic and geopolitical uncertainty winds, finding those rare diamonds can feel like navigating a labyrinth blindfolded. However, seven solid companies weather the storm amidst the chaos and emerge stronger. Below are seven stocks of resilience, each a beacon of stability and growth in tumultuous times. Read more to delve into these corporations’ fundamentals, triu ...
Abbott (ABT) Increases Yet Falls Behind Market: What Investors Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-23 07:51
In the latest trading session, Abbott (ABT) closed at $119.02, marking a +0.98% move from the previous day. The stock's change was less than the S&P 500's daily gain of 2.11%. Elsewhere, the Dow saw an upswing of 1.18%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq appreciated by 2.96%. The the stock of maker of infant formula, medical devices and drugs has risen by 6.41% in the past month, leading the Medical sector's gain of 3.98% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.08%. The upcoming earnings release of Abbott will be of great int ...
What's Next For Abbott Stock After A 6% Rise This Year?
Forbes· 2024-02-22 22:00
Abbott Laboratories reported strong earnings Wednesday, despite spending recent months responding to ... [+] criticism over problems that led to the shutdown of one of its infant formula-producing plants. (Stacey Wescott/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images) TNS Abbott (NYSE: ABT) reported its Q4 results last month, with revenues above and earnings aligning with the street estimates. The company reported revenue of $10.24 billion and earnings of $1.19 on a per-share and adjusted basis, comp ...
Daily Dividend Report: Humana, Fedex, Honeywell, Coca-Cola, Abbott
Forbes· 2024-02-17 00:27
分组1 - Humana宣布每股派息0.885美元,将于2024年4月26日支付给股东[1] 分组2 - FedEx董事会宣布每股派息1.26美元,将于2024年4月1日支付给股东[2] 分组3 - Coca-Cola董事会批准公司第62次连续年度股息增长,每股季度股息从46美分增加至48.5美分,相当于每股年度股息从1.84美元增加至1.94美元[4]
Abbott Declares 401st Consecutive Quarterly Dividend
Prnewswire· 2024-02-16 23:19
股息支付 - Abbott公司董事会宣布每股派息为55美分[1] - 自1924年以来,这是Abbott连续支付的第401个季度股息[2] - Abbott已连续52年增加股息支付,并是标普500股息贵族指数的成员[3]
Abbott(ABT) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-16 00:00
公司运营 - Abbott的全球供应链在COVID-19大流行和宏观经济条件的挑战下有所改善,目前没有重大的原材料或供应短缺问题[18] - Abbott拥有或持有大量专利和专利申请,以及重要商标,这些被认为对Abbott业务的运作至关重要[19] - Abbott的业务没有重大的季节性因素,也没有单一客户会对其产生重大不利影响[20] - Abbott相信其运营在环保法律和法规方面都符合要求,对环境保护的资本和运营支出在2023年并不重大,预计在2024年也不会有重大影响[21] 人力资源管理 - Abbott的员工中,69%在美国以外,女性占美国员工的47%,全球员工的46%,管理人员的42%[22] - Abbott有一个全球人才管理流程,旨在识别和评估组织内的人才,并为员工提供平等和一致的发展机会[23] - Abbott致力于发展一个对所有人包容的工作场所,将高管薪酬与人力资本管理相关联,以维持一个包容的文化和对员工的公平对待[24] - Abbott的员工网络在全球所有运营中发挥着重要作用,提供专业发展计划,其中58%的参与者是女性[25] - Abbott每年为数百名大学生提供有薪实习,其中59%是女性,61%是少数族裔[26] 监管和风险 - Abbott的产品开发、生产、销售、推广和分销受到美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)等国际监管机构的全面监管[29] - 在COVID-19公共卫生紧急情况期间,许多与流行病相关的产品(包括诊断测试)被监管机构授权在紧急情况下使用[29] - Abbott将继续监测相关美国政府机构的进一步监管行动,并评估对与流行病相关的政府政策和产品授权的潜在影响[30] - 美元兑其他货币的波动可能会影响Abbott的资产和负债的报告价值,以及其现金流量[53] - 美国和国际税收法律、法规和解释的不利变化可能会对Abbott的有效税率、财务状况和业务结果产生重大不利影响[54] - 全球公共卫生危机对Abbott的业务、财务状况和运营结果产生了实质性影响[55] - COVID-19诊断测试领域的FDA紧急使用授权(EUA)对Abbott的业务产生了影响[56] - Abbott的国际业务面临额外的风险,可能导致其收入和盈利能力下降[57] - 多种因素可能对Abbott未来的盈利能力和财务状况产生实质性不利影响[58] - 俄罗斯入侵乌克兰导致的政治不稳定、制裁、经济和货币波动等因素可能对Abbott的运营和财务状况产生重大不利影响[60]
Abbott Laboratories says FDA independent panel votes to approve heart device
Market Watch· 2024-02-14 09:06
Abbott Laboratories ABT, -1.06% said that a Food and Drug Administration panel voted in favor of the safety profile of its heart device TriClip. The medical device company on Tuesday said that the Circulatory System Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee also confirmed the effectiveness and risk/benefit profile of the device to treat people with tricuspid regurgitation. Tricuspid regurgitation is a type of heart valve disease that occurs when the tricuspid valve doesn’t close tight enough. ...