Albemarle(ALB) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 16:05
Q2 2024 Earnings August 1, 2024 8:00am ET Forward-Looking Statements 2 This presentation, conference call and discussions that follow contain statements concerning our expectations, anticipations and beliefs regarding the future, which constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements, which are based on assumptions that we have made as of the date hereof and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertai ...
Altria(MO) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 14:16
业绩总结 - Altria在2024年第二季度和上半年的电话会议中公布了调整后的每股收益为1.31美元,与去年同期持平[46] - Altria预计2024年全年调整后的每股收益将在5.07至5.15美元之间,同比增长2.5%至4.0%[51] - NJOY在第二季度取得了强劲的成绩,消费品销售量增长至14.3百万,设备销售量增长至1.8百万[7] - NJOY在零售市场的消费品份额增长了1.3个百分点,达到5.5百万[9] - NJOY在设备市场份额增长了13.8个百分点,达到25.4百万[11] - on!口腔烟草产品在第二季度的销售量增长了37.3%,达到41.2百万罐[32] - on!口腔烟草产品在口腔烟草类别中的份额增长了1.2个百分点,达到8.1%[38] - on! PLUS在瑞典和英国的国际市场表现良好,被视为尼古丁袋市场的竞争对手[41] - Altria的烟草产品部门在第二季度的调整后运营公司收入为2827百万美元,较去年同期略有下降[56] - Altria的烟草产品部门在第二季度的调整后运营公司收入率为61.6%,较去年同期提高了1.2个百分点[61] - 完成了24年第二季度24亿美元的加速股份回购计划[89] - 第一半年度支付了34亿美元的股息[90] - 截至2024年6月30日,债务与EBITDA比率为2.1倍[91]
ZETA(ZETA) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 12:25
Supplemental 2Q'24 Earnings Presentation July 31, 2024 Forward-looking statements and non-GAAP measures This presentation, together with other statements and information publicly disseminated by the Company, contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Company intends such forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking ...
PTC(PTC) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 11:25
Q3'24 FINANCIAL RESULTS Neil Barua CEO Kristian Talvitie CFO July 31, 2024 FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS This presentation includes forward looking statements regarding PTC's future financial performance, strategic outlook and expectations, anticipated future operations, and expected effects of strategic investments and initiatives. Because such statements deal with future events, actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forwardlooking statements. Information about factors that could ca ...
Alkami(ALKT) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 10:16
公司概况 - Alkami Technology是一家云端数字银行平台,为美国金融机构提供服务[4] 市场概况 - Alkami的可服务市场包括拥有10亿美元至450亿美元资产的金融机构,共计2.5亿以上的数字用户[12] - Alkami的可服务市场中,传统提供商拥有2.1亿以上的用户,增长率为5-8%,而Alkami拥有1860万用户,增长率为17%[16] 财务表现 - Alkami的ARR增长受益于新客户和产品渗透率的提高,总数字银行平台客户数量持续增长[61] - Alkami的订阅收入增长主要受益于长期合同、合同最低金额逐年增加、客户保留率提高、数字用户采用率增长和产品跨销售[65] - Alkami的年收入呈现强劲增长趋势,2018年至2023年的年复合增长率为41%[68] - Alkami的毛利率扩张受益于规模和效率,2023年的毛利率为59%,2024年上升至61.1%[74] - Alkami的长期财务指导下,预计2024年年度收入将增长25%,调整后的EBITDA为23亿美元[89] - 2024年全年营收指导范围为3.305亿至3.335亿美元,调整后的EBITDA指导范围为2200万至2400万美元[91] - 第三季度2024年营收指导范围为8,380万至8,530万美元,调整后的EBITDA指导范围为580万至680万美元[92] 用户增长 - 数字银行平台客户数量从2020年的151增长至2023年第二季度的254,增长率为17%至19%[97] - 数字银行平台用户数量从2020年的9.7百万增长至2023年第二季度的18.6百万,增长率为28%至20%[97] 财务指标 - 年度重复收入从2020年的1.28亿美元增长至2023年的3.21亿美元,增长率为25%至34%[97] - 每注册用户收入从2020年的13.22美元增长至2023年的17.29美元,增长率为3%至14%[97] - 调整后的毛利率从2020年的53%增长至2023年的63%[95] 费用占比 - 研发支出占营收比例从2020年的35%降至2023年的24%[95] - 销售与营销支出占营收比例从2020年的15%增长至2023年的18%[95] - 总体运营支出占营收比例从2020年的76%降至2023年的58%[95]
Sleep Number(SNBR) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 10:07
公司概况 - Sleep Number 公司(Nasdaq: SNBR) 2024 年 7 月上市[2] - 公司拥有超过 800 项专利和专利申请,致力于通过智能床革新睡眠行业[4] - 公司拥有近 650 家门店和约 290 万智能睡眠用户[5] 业绩及展望 - 2023 年公司净销售额为 1.48 亿美元,2024 年上半年调整后 EBITDA 达到 9 百万美元[20] - 公司通过优化运营模式和创新产品,取得了显著进展,为未来增长奠定基础[18] - 公司的商业模式支持增长,具备在行业需求改善时获利的强大优势[64] - 公司的商业模式提供了明显的竞争优势,包括对品牌体验的控制、与顾客的亲近关系、整合需求规划、全面拥有研发和创新过程、供应链可见性、对输入成本通货膨胀的控制和全额利润获取的机会[79] 产品创新 - 公司的智能床技术帮助数百万消费者获得更好的睡眠质量,得到了用户的积极反馈[43] - 公司通过智能床平台收集的数据为科学创新提供支持,帮助改善睡眠健康和福祉[43] - 公司的智能床吸引消费者,提供高度差异化的益处和价值,例如智能床能够让用户每晚多休息28分钟[80][82] - 公司在温度平衡睡眠解决方案方面处于市场领先地位,推出了具有主动制冷和加热功能的ClimateCool智能床,以及DualTemp®、Climate360®等产品[98][100][102]
SSR Mining(SSRM) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 10:06
Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results July 2024 Cautionary Notes Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information and Statements Except for statements of historical fact relating to us, certain statements contained in this presentation (including information incorporated by reference herein) constitute forward-looking information, future oriented financial information, or financial outlooks (collectively "forward-looking information") within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as ...
Ardmore Shipping(ASC) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 10:00
Ardmore Shipping Corporation p p M O R E S H I P P I N O R E I N O R E I N O R E I N O R E I N O R E I N O R E I N O R E Ardmore Shipping Second Quarter 2024 2 Disclaimer This presentation contains certain statements that may be deemed to be "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable U.S. federal securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, that address activities, events or developments that Ardmore Shipping Corporation ("Ardmore" or the "Company") expects, ...
MagnaChip(MX) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 09:06
Magnachip Semiconductor (NYSE: MX) Q2 2024 Earnings Materials July 31, 2024 1 Forward-Looking Statements Information in this presentation regarding Magnachip's forecasts, business outlook, expectations and beliefs are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve risks and uncertainties. All forward-looking statements included or incorporated by reference in this presentation, including expectations about estimated historical or future ope ...
Herbalife(HLF) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 09:05
Q2 2024 Earnings Presentation July 31, 2024 Heather Jackson United States Gravel Racing and Ultra Running Arianna Errigo Italy (Flag Bearer) Fencing Forward-Looking Statements This presentation contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements other than statements of historical fact are "forward-looking statements" for purposes of federal and state securities l ...