QuantumScape surges on solid-state EV battery: Hype or home run?
MarketBeat· 2024-01-16 20:01
QuantumScape固态电池性能 - QuantumScape发布了24层固态电池的耐久测试结果,股价飙升43%[1] - QuantumScape的固态电池在1000次充电循环后仍保留了95%以上的容量,相比之下,锂离子电动汽车电池的容量保留率在60%到70%之间[1] - 固态电池相比锂离子电池具有更高的能量密度,更快的充电速度,以及更长的使用寿命[4] - PowerCo确认QuantumScape的24层固态电池通过了首次耐久测试,表现优异,达到了超过1000次充电循环并保留了95%以上容量的要求[5] QuantumScape商业计划和合作 - QuantumScape计划在2024年开始小规模生产,2025年至2026年进行商业推出,目前已经得到大众汽车、福特汽车和Stellantis的投资和合作[2] - QuantumScape的强大支持者包括比尔·盖茨、Kleiner Perkins、Vanguard、BlackRock和大众汽车[3] QuantumScape固态电池优势 - QuantumScape的固态电池相比锂离子电池有着更长的寿命,可以为电动汽车提供更长的续航里程,并且减少维护成本[9]
Has QuantumScape Already Announced the Biggest Electric Vehicle (EV) Development for 2024?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-16 18:30
QuantumScape与大众汽车建立战略关系 - QuantumScape与大众汽车建立战略关系,包括早期投资和合资伙伴关系[2] QuantumScape的固态电池技术进展 - QuantumScape的固态电池技术取得重大进展,首次提交的电池单元获得了验证,性能超出预期[3],[6] QuantumScape的固态电池技术优势 - QuantumScape的固态电池技术有望解决电动汽车领域的一些问题,如续航焦虑和充电时间[8],[9]
Will QuantumScape Stock Take Flight in 2024?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-14 22:02
Investors fell in love with electric vehicle (EV) and renewable energy stocks in 2020 and 2021. Dozens of start- ups in these fields went public through reverse mergers with special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) a few years back. Most of them have now failed or are down significantly from their IPO prices, going through a classic boom-and-bust cycle. Now, they are in the bust. QuantumScape (QS -9.01%) was a quintessential bubble stock from 2021. At one point, the battery technology start-up had a ma ...
Beyond QuantumScape: Can the Competition Catch Up?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-14 19:34
固态电池技术竞争 - 围绕将固态电池技术从实验室推向现实世界的竞争正在加剧[1] - Motley Fool的贡献者Jason Hall和Tyler Crowe讨论了QuantumScape和Solid Power最近取得的进展[1] - QuantumScape在这场竞争中有多大的领先优势?[1] - 文章提及的股票价格是2023年1月9日下午发布的,视频发布日期为2023年1月13日[2]
QuantumScape: Buy, Sell, or Hold?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-13 22:02
QuantumScape公司概况 - QuantumScape是一家致力于开发下一代固态锂金属电池的公司,旨在解决现代电池的基本限制[3] - QuantumScape与大众汽车合作,大众汽车投资了近3亿美元,并成立了一家合资公司,以帮助实现工业级电池生产[6] - QuantumScape的固态电池在耐久性测试中表现出色,大众汽车表示电池在1000次充电循环后仍保持95%容量,可行驶超过50万公里而不会出现明显的续航损失[7] 竞争对手和市场前景 - QuantumScape面临来自丰田和蔚来等竞争对手的竞争,这些公司也在研发固态电池技术,并计划在未来推出具有更长续航里程的电池[9] 财务状况和投资风险 - QuantumScape目前处于无收入状态,预计在2024年开始生产,2027年才能实现正面EBITDA,2028年才能实现正面自由现金流[10] - QuantumScape已经通过发行股票筹集了约3亿美元的资金,并在资产负债表上拥有超过11亿美元的资金,足以支持公司的运营至2026年[11] - QuantumScape是一家具有巨大潜力的公司,但也是高风险高回报的股票,投资者应谨慎考虑风险和回报[12] - 鉴于QuantumScape目前的状况,大多数投资者可能不会从持有该股票中受益,股票在实现商业规模之前可能会经历更多波动[13]
Own QuantumScape? Why This Is One Battery Stock You Should Sell ASAP.
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-08 13:48
QuantumScape公司动态 - QuantumScape(NYSE:QS)是一家电动汽车电池技术公司,股价在11月和12月初出现了上涨[1] - 尽管原型电池超过设计目标,但QuantumScape仍面临挑战[1] - Volkswagen的PowerCo子公司对QuantumScape进行了投资,最近进行的A样本测试表现出色[2]
Why Long-Term Investors Should Love QuantumScape
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-05 18:21
One of the most important factors in successful investments is finding management with goals and incentives that align with the company and investors. When companies grow, often those alignments can be forgotten or lost in the shuffle by investors. QuantumScape (QS 43.08%) has the capability to upend the current state of batteries powering electric vehicles, and its management has strong incentives toward company objectives as well as a lofty $300 stock price target. Here's how it works. Incentives 101 Let' ...
1 Game-Changing Growth Stock Down 95% You'll Wish You'd Bought on the Dip
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-05 18:15
Growth stocks come with a lot of ups and downs, but if you can stomach the volatility, they can pay off handsomely in the long run. One stock I've had my eye on for a while has seen its price fall 95% from its peak in late 2020. It was once the second most valuable car company in America, behind only Tesla. That's because it's a leading developer of a technology that could completely change the $3 trillion auto industry. The company is called QuantumScape (QS 43.08%). And despite the stock's fall from grace ...
Great News for QuantumScape Stock Investors!
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-05 05:48
Parkev Tatevosian - Parkev Tatevosian, CFA在所提及的股票中没有任何持仓[1] - Parkev Tatevosian是The Motley Fool的关联方,可能会因为推广其服务而获得补偿[2]
VW Just Confirmed This 1 Huge Thing for QuantumScape: What It Means for Investors
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-05 04:51
QuantumScape股价暴涨 - QuantumScape股价在大众汽车子公司发布的测试数据确认的新闻后暴涨超过40%[1] - Motley Fool的贡献者Jason Hall在视频中对这一消息进行了适当的解释,并为投资者提供了思考方式[1]