Why QuantumScape Stock Headed Lower Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-23 06:23
Shares of Quantumscape (QS -3.72%) had a down day Thursday even as the broader market rallied. While there was no company-specific news about the solid-state battery maker, traders apparently reacted to disappointing earnings reports from Rivian (RIVN -25.60%) and Lucid (LCID -16.76%). Quantumscape shares closed Thursday down by 3.6% after having been off by as much as 5% earlier in the session. Meanwhile, shares of both of those unprofitable EV start-ups fell by double-digit percentages. The EV market down ...
Beware This Battery Stock: Why QuantumScape's Latest Moves Demand Investor Caution
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-22 19:34
QuantumScape公司业绩 - QuantumScape在2024年目标中显示了23美分的每股亏损,略好于预期,但收入不如预期[1] - CEO Jagdeep Singh表示公司在电池效率方面取得进展,并计划低产量QSE-5生产,资本支出和调整后的EBITDA预测保持一致[2] - QuantumScape正处于一个重要的拐点,即将从实验室规模设计扩大到大规模生产,但竞争对手也在关注类似产品[3] - QuantumScape的关键问题是公司能够多快进入市场,并将现金燃烧转变为盈利。投资者应谨慎对待这一风险[5] - QuantumScape任命了Siva Sivaram为CEO,他被认为是推动生产规模化的理想领导者[9] - 尽管QuantumScape有潜力,但投资者应谨慎投资,公司的现金燃烧率可能被认为是合理的,但市场风险仍然存在[11] - QuantumScape的股票目前存在风险,不建议在当前水平购买[13]
1 Revolutionary Electric Vehicle Stock Down 95% to Buy Hand Over Fist Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-22 18:11
The electric vehicle industry is still in its early days. Even though practically every auto manufacturer is developing more and better EVs every year, fewer than one in 10 cars sold in the U.S. is fully electric. One company could change all that. It's not a flashy new automaker. It's the company developing a key technology that could make EVs much more preferable and affordable to own over a traditional combustion engine vehicle. QuantumScape (QS -1.23%) is developing solid-state battery technology that c ...
QS Stock Analysis: Why QuantumScape's New CEO Is Just More of the Same
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-20 19:10
Will 2024 be the year that electric vehicle battery technology company QuantumScape (NYSE:QS) breaks through with a fully commercialized product? Is QuantumScape on the cusp of delivering awesome revenue and profits? Anything’s possible, but don’t get your hopes up. According to my QS stock analysis, you definitely shouldn’t start a share position unless you’re a risk-tolerant speculator. I’ve warned investors about QuantumScape before, and while there’s new information to report, my bearish stance hasn’t c ...
1 Wall Street Analyst Boosts QuantumScape's Price Target by 60%: Here's Why He's Right
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-18 21:03
Last summer, Ben Kallo, an analyst at Baird, wasn't so optimistic about shares of QuantumScape (QS -3.05%), and he turned out to be right. But now he believes the stock can reverse its recent downward trajectory thanks to the company's recent personnel move, and he sees it climbing back to $8 -- a 60% increase over the original $5 price target that he had assigned. A C-suite change could help facilitate the company's growth QuantumScape announced this week that its current CEO, Jagdeep Singh, is stepping do ...
Is QuantumScape Stock a Buy Right Now?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-18 19:30
Parkev Tatevosian - Parkev Tatevosian, CFA在所提及的股票中没有任何持仓[1] - Parkev Tatevosian是The Motley Fool的关联方,可能会因为推广其服务而获得报酬[2]
Tesla Has Problems. Could QuantumScape Be a Good Choice for Growth Investors?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-16 21:11
可再生能源投资 - 可再生能源是可持续投资的基石,可用于提高房地产和交通领域的能源效率[1] 特斯拉股价表现 - 特斯拉是电动汽车运动中最受认可的公司之一,自首次公开上市以来,股价已经给投资者带来了近12000%的回报[2] - 特斯拉最近的财报表现不佳,导致股价下跌超过20%,可能会让对绿色能源感兴趣的增长型投资者寻找其他选择[3] 量子Scape公司概况 - 量子Scape是一家拥有强大投资者支持的公司,包括风险投资公司Kleiner Perkins和德国汽车制造商大众[4] - 量子Scape开发了一种新型固态金属电池技术,可以帮助减少充电时间并提高能量储存[5] - 量子Scape尚未实现任何收入,仍处于研发阶段,市值38亿美元可能难以为一个尚未盈利的公司所证明[6] 量子Scape的前景与风险 - 量子Scape的技术可能在未来某个时候具有颠覆性,但目前看来更像是对电动汽车市场的一个冒险性押注[7] - 量子Scape将继续大量投资,但投资者无法确定其何时或是否会扩大规模和商业化[8] - 对于量子Scape目前的问题,持有特斯拉股票可能更合适,投资者应谨慎对待投资量子Scape股票[9]
QS Stock Alert: QuantumScape Appoints a New CEO
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-15 22:43
Battery developer QuantumScape (NYSE:QS) announced a new CEO while delivering quarterly results on Feb. 14. Dr. Siva Sivaram was named to lead “the next phase” of growth, the company’s press release said. QuantumScape remains a pre-revenue company. During the fourth quarter, it lost $110 million, 23 cents per share. It finished the quarter with $1.08 billion in cash and marketable securities. Losses were narrower than previously. QS stock opened this morning at about $7.50 per share, a market capitalization ...
QuantumScape(QS) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-15 08:51
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年第四季度资本支出为13.8百万美元,全年为84.5百万美元 [42] - 2023年全年GAAP经营费用为479百万美元,现金经营费用为264.1百万美元 [43] - 2023年第四季度调整后EBITDA亏损为60.7百万美元,全年为249.2百万美元 [44] - 2024年资本支出预计在70-120百万美元之间,主要用于工艺改进和Cobra设备 [45] - 2024年调整后EBITDA亏损预计在250-300百万美元之间 [46] - 公司2026年下半年前有足够现金储备,未来可能通过资本市场活动进一步延长现金周期 [48] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司已从2020年12月展示的单层袋装电池,发展到2022年12月出货的24层A0原型电池 [8][21] - A0原型电池中表现最佳的已在大众电池部门PowerCo的实验室测试中达到1000次循环,容量保持95% [9] - 2023年公司开发了更高载量的正极材料,能量密度提高60% [23][24] - 公司优化了电池包装设计,提高了效率 [25] - 公司改善了生产质量和一致性,提高了正极和隔膜界面可靠性 [26][27] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司尚未具体披露各个市场的数据和指标变化 [100] - 公司表示与客户的合作关系仍然很强劲,客户对公司技术的兴趣和信心没有减弱 [78] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司计划将A0原型电池的改进集成到QSE-5商业产品中,实现从原型到产品的转变 [33] - 公司将重点提高Raptor隔膜生产能力,为QSE-5低批量生产提供支持 [35][36] - 公司计划在2024年开始QSE-5的低批量B0原型生产 [37] - 公司正在加快Cobra隔膜生产工艺的开发,以支持2025年QSE-5的大规模生产 [39][40] - 公司认为QSE-5在能量密度和功率密度方面具有独特优势,满足电动车电池的高价值需求 [38] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层表示尽管短期内存在一些市场波动,但电动车长期需求趋势仍然很强劲 [78] - 管理层认为公司目前在技术进展、现金储备和客户关系方面处于最强劲的位置 [51] - 新任CEO Siva表示将采取系统化的方法推进量产,分步实现从原型到产品的转变 [60][64] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Jordan Levy 提问** 对于实现千兆瓦时级别产能的最大挑战是什么,以及公司的信心水平如何? [59] **Siva Sivaram 回答** 公司将采取系统化的方法逐步推进,今年的目标是实现低批量B0原型生产,明年进一步扩大B样品生产,只要按部就班执行,就有信心实现千兆瓦时级别的产能 [60][64] 问题2 **Gabe Daoud 提问** B0原型电池的能量密度是否接近800瓦时/升的商业目标? [69] **Jagdeep Singh 回答** B0原型电池将集成公司此前开发的4大关键改进,包括24层设计、高载量正极、更高效的包装和Raptor隔膜,这些改进将使B0原型电池的能量密度接近商业目标水平 [71] 问题3 **Mark Shooter 提问** Raptor和Cobra工艺的改进是否会带来一些性能负面影响,比如离子电导率下降等? [89] **Siva Sivaram 回答** 尽管Raptor和Cobra大幅提高了生产效率,但公司并未改变隔膜材料配方,仍在持续优化以满足需求。公司会系统地分析任何潜在的负面影响,目前没有发现会成为扩产的障碍 [90]
QuantumScape Stock Dips Despite Narrowing Losses
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-15 05:46
QuantumScape财报 - QuantumScape发布第四季度财报后,股价在2月14日盘后交易中下跌了最多5%[1] - 公司每股亏损23美分,略好于分析师预测的34美分亏损,同时还提出了2024年的计划[1] - QuantumScape在该季度没有产生收入,华尔街分析师预计该初创公司至少要到2026年才能产生有意义的销售额[2] - CEO Jagdeep Singh在致股东的信中表示,公司在研发更高效电池方面取得了进展,计划在今年晚些时候发货Alpha-2样品,并希望开始生产首款商用电池QSE-5[3] - QuantumScape预计资本支出将在7000万至1.2亿美元之间,与2023年大致相同,同时预计调整后的EBITDA将在2.5亿至3亿美元之间亏损[5]