Kirby Corporation (KEX) Hits Fresh High: Is There Still Room to Run?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-26 22:16
Kirby股票表现 - Kirby股票在过去一个月上涨了17.7%,创下了新的52周高点[1] - Kirby在过去四个季度中均未错过盈利预期,最近一次财报显示,EPS为$1.19,超过了预期$0.97,收入也比预期高出3.01%[2] - Kirby预计本财年每股收益为$4.96,营收为32.4亿美元,同比分别增长33.33%和4.84%[3] Kirby的评级和指标 - Kirby的价值评分为C,成长和动量评分分别为A和B,综合VGM评分为A[7] - Kirby目前的市盈率为22.6倍,高于同行业平均值7.6倍,市现率为13.9倍,PEG比率为1.88[8] - Kirby目前的Zacks Rank为2(买入),并且符合投资建议的要求,有望在短期内继续上涨[9] Kirby和行业同行SHIP的表现 - Kirby的行业同行Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp(SHIP)也表现不错,具有强劲的盈利和增长潜力[11] - Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp上个季度的盈利超出预期132%,本财年预计每股收益为$1.30,营收为1.42亿美元[12] - Transportation - Shipping行业位于所有行业中的前20%,为Kirby和SHIP提供了良好的增长机会[14]
Kirby(KEX) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-04-26 04:10
Exhibit 99.1 KIRBY CORPORATION Contact: Kurt Niemietz 713-435-1077 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE KIRBY CORPORATION ANNOUNCES 2024 FIRST QUARTER RESULTS • First quarter 2024 earnings per share of $1.19 • Inland marine experienced strong market conditions with a sequential increase in spot market prices and high-teens operating margins despite a sequential increase in delay days • Coastal operating margins improved to high single to low double-digit range • Breaking out power generation at KDS as its significance con ...
Kirby(KEX) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-04-26 01:58
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第一季度收入为8.08亿美元,同比增长 [13] - 每股收益为1.19美元,去年同期为0.68美元 [13] - 内河运输业务收入增长14%,利润率达到高teens [31] - 沿海业务收入增长20%,利润率达到高个位数到低个位数 [32] - 分销和服务业务收入基本持平,利润率为中高个位数 [36][37][41] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 内河运输: - 平均驳船利用率维持在低到中90%区间 [29] - 长期合同占收入的65%,其中62%为租船合同,38%为运输合同 [29] - 现货市场价格同比上涨约15%,长期合同价格同比上涨低个位数 [30][31] 沿海运输: - 平均驳船利用率维持在中到高90%区间 [33] - 长期合同占收入的96%,其中98%为租船合同 [33] - 现货市场价格同比上涨约30%,长期合同价格同比上涨低20% [33] 分销和服务: - 电力发电业务收入同比增长50% [37] - 工商业市场收入同比下降7% [38] - 油气市场收入同比下降43% [40] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 内河运输: - 航行延误天数同比下降,但较上季度增加22% [14][15] - 客户需求强劲,驳船利用率维持在低到中90%区间 [16] 沿海运输: - 驳船利用率维持在中到高90%区间 [33] - 市场供需格局有利,行业内大型船舶供给有限 [54] 分销和服务: - 电力发电市场需求强劲,受制于发动机供应 [56][57] - 工商业市场中,海事维修业务保持稳定,其他业务受供应链制约 [38][39] - 油气市场需求疲软,但制造业务订单支撑 [40][41] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司看好内河和沿海运输市场的中长期前景,认为供需格局有利 [50][51][54] - 分销和服务业务中,电力发电是重点发展领域,公司有意通过并购等方式拓展业务 [117][118] - 公司在电动压裂设备制造方面保持领先,看好该市场的发展前景 [146][147][148] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司整体业务表现良好,第一季度业绩超预期 [50] - 内河和沿海运输市场基本面向好,预计全年业绩将持续改善 [50][51][54] - 分销和服务业务中,电力发电需求强劲,但受发动机供应限制 [56][57] - 油气市场需求疲软,但制造业务订单支撑 [40][41] - 公司有信心未来3-5年内保持良好的市场地位和盈利能力 [60][61] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Ben Nolan 提问** 第一季度业绩大幅好于预期,未来几个季度的利润率有望进一步提升,公司为何在全年指引中保持谨慎? [66][67][69][70][71] **David Grzebinski 和 Christian O'Neil 回答** 公司面临的成本压力包括钢材价格上涨、船厂维修成本上升、劳动力成本上涨等,这些因素会对利润率产生一定压力 [69][70][71] 此外,天气、航道状况等不确定因素也可能影响业绩 [69] 总体来看,公司对全年前景保持乐观,但仍保持谨慎态度 [69] 问题2 **Greg Wasikowski 提问** 公司如何看待电力发电市场的技术发展趋势,包括柴油发电机、电池、氢能等不同技术路线的竞争格局 [116][117][118][119][120] **David Grzebinski 回答** 公司对各种技术路线保持开放态度,专注于为客户提供最适合其需求的定制化解决方案 [119][120] 公司也关注通过并购等方式拓展电力发电业务的机会 [117][118] 问题3 **Derek Podhaizer 提问** 公司在电动压裂设备制造方面的产能和发展前景如何 [149][150] **David Grzebinski 回答** 公司在电动压裂设备制造方面保持领先地位,但受发动机供应限制,无法进一步扩大产能 [149][150] 未来如果能够获得更多发动机供应,公司将考虑增加生产班次以满足市场需求 [149][150]
Kirby (KEX) Q1 Earnings: Taking a Look at Key Metrics Versus Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-25 23:00
营收情况 - Kirby (KEX) 2024年第一季度营收达到8.08亿美元,同比增长7.7% [1] - 每股收益为1.19美元,较去年同期的0.68美元有所增长 [1] - 营收超出Zacks Consensus Estimate 3.01%,每股收益超出预期22.68% [1] 业务表现 - Kirby在最新季度的关键指标表现如下:分销和服务业务营收为3.33亿美元,同比下降1.6% [4] - 海上运输业务营收为4.75亿美元,同比增长15.3% [5] - 分销和服务业务的营业收入为2,201万美元,略低于分析师预期 [6] - 海上运输业务的营业收入为8,298万美元,超出分析师预期 [7] 股票表现 - Kirby股票过去一个月回报率为+6.3%,表现优于Zacks S&P 500综合指数 [8] - 目前Kirby股票的Zacks排名为3(持有),预示着短期内可能与整体市场表现一致 [9]
Kirby (KEX) Q1 Earnings and Revenues Surpass Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-25 21:20
财务表现 - Kirby (KEX)在本季度每股收益为1.19美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的0.97美元,较去年同期的0.68美元有所增长[1] - 公司在过去四个季度中四次超过了市场预期的每股收益[2] - Kirby本季度的营收为8.0802亿美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate,较去年同期的7.5044亿美元有所增长[3] 股价走势 - 公司股价的短期走势将主要取决于管理层在财报电话会议中的评论[4]
Seeking Clues to Kirby (KEX) Q1 Earnings? A Peek Into Wall Street Projections for Key Metrics
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-24 22:21
Wall Street analysts expect Kirby (KEX) to post quarterly earnings of $0.97 per share in its upcoming report, which indicates a year-over-year increase of 42.7%. Revenues are expected to be $784.43 million, up 4.5% from the year-ago quarter. Over the past 30 days, the consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has been adjusted upward by 0.4% to its current level. This demonstrates the covering analysts' collective reassessment of their initial projections during this period. Before a company announces its earn ...
Will Kirby (KEX) Beat Estimates Again in Its Next Earnings Report?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-23 01:16
Looking for a stock that has been consistently beating earnings estimates and might be well positioned to keep the streak alive in its next quarterly report? Kirby (KEX) , which belongs to the Zacks Transportation - Shipping industry, could be a great candidate to consider. This barge operator has an established record of topping earnings estimates, especially when looking at the previous two reports. The company boasts an average surprise for the past two quarters of 1.96%. For the most recent quarter, Kir ...
Kirby (KEX) Is a Great Choice for 'Trend' Investors, Here's Why
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-18 21:51
股票筛选 - 通过“最近价格强势”筛选,可以发现目前走势良好的股票,这些股票在基本面支撑下处于52周高低范围的上部,通常是看涨的指标[3] - KEX是通过筛选的几个合适的候选股之一,有望成为“趋势”投资者的盈利选择[4] - 除了KEX,还有其他几只股票通过了“最近价格强势”筛选,可以考虑投资并寻找符合这些标准的最新股票[10] 股票趋势 - 短期投资或交易中,趋势是最赚钱的策略,但要确保趋势的持续性并从中获利并不容易[1] - 投资者应该确认诸如健康基本面、正面盈利预期修订等因素,以确保股票的动能持续[2] - KEX在过去12周内股价大幅上涨,反映投资者持续愿意为股票的潜在上涨支付更多,涨幅达到22.6%[5] 股票基本面 - 基本面方面,KEX目前持有Zacks Rank 2(买入),这意味着它在我们基于盈利预期修订和EPS惊喜趋势排名的4000多只股票中处于前20%[8] - Zacks Rank股票评级系统具有令人印象深刻的外部审计记录,Zacks Rank 1(强烈买入)股票自1988年以来的平均年回报率为+25%[9] - 平均经纪人推荐为1(强烈买入),表明经纪界对股票的短期价格表现非常乐观[9] 投资策略 - KEX目前交易在52周高低范围的82.5%,暗示可能即将突破[7] - 根据个人投资风格,可以选择超过45种Zacks Premium Screens来寻找下一个成功的股票选择[11] - 成功的选股策略的关键是确保过去产生了盈利结果,可以借助Zacks Research Wizard来轻松实现这一点[12]
Here's Why Kirby (KEX) Stock Is a Compelling Portfolio Addition
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-08 20:41
Kirby Corporation’s (KEX) strong segmental performances, driven by increased demand, are boosting its top line. If you have not taken advantage of its share price appreciation yet, it’s time to do so. Let’s take a look at the factors that make the stock a strong investment pick at the moment. Robust Price Performance: A glimpse at the company’s price trend reveals that its shares have surged 25.9% year to date, surpassing the industry’s 13.8% growth. Image Source: Zacks Investment Research Solid Rank & VGM ...
Kirby Corporation (KEX) Hit a 52 Week High, Can the Run Continue?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-04 22:16
Have you been paying attention to shares of Kirby (KEX) ? Shares have been on the move with the stock up 9.4% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $97.81 in the previous session. Kirby has gained 23.8% since the start of the year compared to the 3.9% move for the Zacks Transportation sector and the 14.1% return for the Zacks Transportation - Shipping industry. What's Driving the Outperformance? The stock has a great record of positive earnings surprises, as it hasn't missed our earnings ...