GSK(GSK) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-01 00:24
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第二季度销售额增长13%至79亿英镑,核心营业利润增长21%至25亿英镑,核心每股收益增长17%至43.4便士,表现出色 [6] - 公司上半年在所有3个产品领域都实现了销售增长 [6] - 公司持续专注于成本控制,提高了营运杠杆和利润率 [6] - 公司经营现金流改善,为管线投资和股东回报提供资金 [6] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 疫苗业务 - 疫苗销售增长3%,受到短期因素影响,但公司有信心长期保持强劲增长 [21][22] - 带状疱疹疫苗Shingrix在美国销售下降36%,主要受渠道库存下降、医保政策变化和需求下降等因素影响,但公司有信心未来几年实现增长 [21][49] - RSV疫苗Arexvy在美国取得约2/3的零售市场份额,但由于ACIP建议仅覆盖75岁以上人群,预计今年在50-59岁人群的销售有限 [22][56][57][60] - 公司预计2024年疫苗销售将增长低单位数,但2026年复合年增长率仍将达到低双位数 [22][69] 专科药品业务 - 专科药品销售增长22%,其中Nucala增长17%、Benlysta增长20%、肿瘤药物销售翻番 [23][24] - 公司预计2024年专科药品销售将增长中高个位数,但由于去年同期基数较高,下半年增速将有所放缓 [24] - 公司看好Nucala和新药depemokimab的长期销售潜力,预计两者合计可达40亿英镑峰值销售 [25] - 新药Ojjaara在多发性骨髓纤维化治疗中表现出色,在美国和欧洲的市场份额持续提升 [25] 常规药品业务 - 常规药品销售增长12%,主要得益于Trelegy销售大幅增长41% [26] - 公司预计2024年常规药品销售将增长低单位数 [26] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 美国市场销售增长17%,表现强劲 [20] - 中国市场Shingrix疫苗销售持续增长,公司与本地合作伙伴正在扩大销售网络 [91] - 欧洲等其他国际市场Shingrix销售增长强劲,占总销售的64% [21] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司持续投资管线,在呼吸系统、肿瘤和HIV等领域取得重要进展 [7][13][18][19] - 公司收购Aiolos Bio获得长效T细胞抗体,并重组与CureVac的mRNA疫苗合作 [13] - 公司在抗菌素耐药、低碳吸入器等领域也取得进展,体现了公司在ESG方面的努力 [9] - 公司有信心实现2026年以上7%的销售增长和11%以上的核心利润增长目标 [10][11] - 公司在呼吸系统、肿瘤和HIV等领域面临一定竞争,但凭借产品管线和技术优势保持领先地位 [17][18][19][28] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对Zantac诉讼保持谨慎态度,但不会影响公司的业务发展和投资计划 [10] - 公司对2024年和中长期的业务前景保持乐观,并再次上调全年指引 [10][35][37] - 公司对Arexvy等新产品的长期销售潜力充满信心,将继续投资管线以实现可持续增长 [14][15][22][104] - 公司看好中国等新兴市场的增长机会,将继续拓展全球业务 [91] 其他重要信息 - 公司在Shingrix疫苗与老年痴呆症发病率降低之间发现潜在关联,正在进一步研究 [16] - 公司呼吸系统管线取得重要进展,depemokimab等新药在严重哮喘和慢阻肺等适应症取得积极结果 [17] - 公司肿瘤管线也取得进展,Blenrep和Jemperli在多发性骨髓瘤和子宫内膜癌等适应症展现出良好疗效 [18][19] - 公司HIV管线持续推进,长效制剂Cabenuva和Apretude表现出色,并有新一代集成抑制剂VH184进入临床 [28][29] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Peter Verdult提问** - 公司对中国Shingrix疫苗和美国Shingrix疫苗未来增长的看法 [40][41][42][49] - 公司对2024年美国RSV疫苗Arexvy的销售预期和渠道可见度 [40][56][57][60][65] **Luke Miels回答** - 中国Shingrix疫苗销售正在稳步推进,与当地合作伙伴的关系良好,未来有望持续增长 [41][91] - 美国Shingrix疫苗短期受到渠道库存下降、医保政策变化等因素影响,但公司有信心未来几年实现增长 [42][49] - 公司对2024年Arexvy在美国的销售保持信心,将继续与ACIP合作提供更多数据支持 [56][57][60][65] 问题2 **Graham Parry提问** - 公司对2024年Arexvy在美国的市场份额目标 [79][83] - 公司对Arexvy未来3年疫苗保护效果的预测 [80][84] **Luke Miels和Tony Wood回答** - 公司将在2024年保持Arexvy在美国的市场领导地位,具体份额比例公司不方便透露 [83] - 公司将在未来几个月内提供Arexvy3年疫苗保护效果的更多数据,目前还为时尚早做具体预测 [84] 问题3 **Tim Anderson提问** - 公司对Zantac诉讼的最新进展及可能的解决方案时
GSK Beats Q2 Earnings & Sales Estimates, Ups 2024 Guidance
ZACKS· 2024-07-31 22:26
文章核心观点 - 公司第二季度业绩超预期,核心每股收益同比增长12%,收入同比增长10% [1][2] - 公司业务分为三大板块:专科药品、疫苗和常规药品,其中专科药品和常规药品表现强劲 [2] - 公司上调了2024年全年业绩指引,预计销售增长7-9%,核心利润增长11-13% [19][24][25] 专科药品板块 - HIV药品销售增长13%,其中两药联合制剂销售占比达41% [3][4][5] - 免疫炎症药物Benlysta和呼吸药物Nucala销售分别增长20%和17% [6] - 肿瘤药物Zejula、Jemperli和Ojjaara销售大幅增长,但Blenrep销售下降 [7][8][9] 常规药品板块 - 复方吸入糖皮质激素Trelegy Ellipta销售增长41%,带动常规药品板块整体增长12% [11][12] - 老牌呼吸药品Advair/Seretide和Revlar/Breo Ellipta销售下滑 [12] 疫苗板块 - 新上市的老年人RSV疫苗Arexvy销售达62百万英镑,占据两三市场份额 [14] - 带状疱疹疫苗Shingrix销售下降4%,受美国新医保政策影响 [15] - 脑膜炎疫苗Bexsero和Menveo销售分别增长23%和30%,但流感疫苗Fluarix销售下降65% [16]
GSK (GSK) Tops Q2 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-07-31 20:05
GSK (GSK) came out with quarterly earnings of $1.09 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1 per share. This compares to earnings of $0.97 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 9%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this drug developer would post earnings of $0.94 per share when it actually produced earnings of $1.09, delivering a surprise of 15.96%.Over the last four quarters, the company has surpassed ...
GSK and Flagship Pioneering partner to discover novel medicines and vaccines
Prnewswire· 2024-07-29 19:00
Collaboration brings together GSK disease area expertise and development capability with Flagship portfolio of 40+ bioplatform companies Initial phase to identify and accelerate promising scientific concepts for further research starting in respiratory and immunology GSK and Flagship to jointly fund up to $150 million upfront LONDON and CAMBRIDGE, Mass., July 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GSK plc (LSE/NYSE: GSK) and Flagship Pioneering (Flagship), the bioplatform innovation company, today announced they have e ...
GSK Stock Before Q2 Earnings: To Buy or Not to Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-07-25 00:00
文章核心观点 - 公司即将发布第二季度财报 [1] - 公司近期业绩表现较好 [3][4] - 公司有望在本次财报中实现业绩超预期 [5][6] 公司业务表现 - 专科药物、疫苗和常规药物三大业务板块表现良好 [7] - 新产品如Arexvy、Cabenuva、Juluca、Dovato、Trelegy Ellipta和Shingrix销售强劲,抵消了老产品销售下滑 [8][9][10][11] - 肿瘤业务受益于Jemperli、Zejula和Ojjaara等新药销售增长 [12] 公司发展前景 - 公司剥离消费品业务后专注于药品研发 [20] - 公司预计2024年销售和利润将分别增长5-7%和9-11% [20] - 公司计划在2026年前推出20多个新产品/线延伸产品,其中10多个有潜力成为重磅产品 [22] - 公司通过收购等方式加强在肿瘤/血液学领域的布局 [22] 投资评级 - 公司股价近期表现低于行业和大盘 [14][15] - 公司估值相对行业较低,具有投资价值 [17][18] - 分析师对公司未来增长持乐观态度,建议长期投资者持有 [23]
GSK Blenrep Combos for Multiple Myeloma Accepted for EU Review
ZACKS· 2024-07-22 23:21
GSK plc (GSK) announced that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has accepted its marketing authorization application (MAA) seeking approval for the Blenrep (belantamab mafodotin) combination therapy to treat relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) for review.The MAA seeks the approval of Blenrep in combination with J&J’s (JNJ) Velcade (bortezomib) plus dexamethasone (BorDex) or Bristol Myers’ Pomalyst (pomalidomide) plus dexamethasone (PomDex) for the myeloma indication in the EU. Per GSK, the advis ...
Is GSK a Top-Value Stock Right Now?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-17 20:00
GSK, a multinational pharma company, scans as a bargain.GSK (GSK 0.59%), a global healthcare powerhouse, has been on a transformative journey since CEO Emma Walmsley took the helm in 2017. Despite its shares badly underperforming the S&P 500 under her first few years as CEO (see graph below), Walmsley's ambitious restructuring plan has achieved several key goals, including but not limited to higher profitability, dividend payments that align with free cash flows, and a more innovative culture that embraces ...
The 3 Most Undervalued Pharma Stocks to Buy in July 2024
Investor Place· 2024-07-12 18:15
Undervalued pharma stocks can make good investments, whether during times of a booming economy or a faltering one. That is because people will still need medications and healthcare services regardless of the ongoing economic conditions. In other words, demand for healthcare and medications tends to be “inelastic,” meaning that even if the costs of purchasing medications and healthcare services tick upward, demand is not likely to change substantively. This provides a stable revenue stream for pharmaceutical ...
GSK's Filing for Expanded Use of Jemperli Gets EMA Acceptance
ZACKS· 2024-06-24 22:40
GSK plc (GSK) announced that the European Medicines Agency (“EMA”) has accepted its application seeking approval for the expanded use of its cancer drug Jemperli (dostarlimab). The application is seeking approval for Jemperli plus chemotherapy to treat all adult patients with primary advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer. Pending review by the EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, a decision from the European Commission is expected in the first half of 2025. Jemperli is currently approved ...
Analyst Projects Strong Growth for GSK-Innoviva Partnered Respiratory Drugs
Benzinga· 2024-06-19 01:44
Loading... Loading... Cantor Fitzgerald has initiated coverage on Innoviva, Inc. INVA, citing the company’s unique business model centered around royalties and healthcare assets. The company receives royalties from GSK plc GSK for popular asthma and COPD products, including Relvar/Breo and Anoro, with combined sales of over $2 billion in 2023. “We believe their manufacturing complexity provides further protection from potential competitors,” Cantor analyst writes. Cantor projects around $1.1 billion of 5-ye ...