FTI sulting(FCN)
Digital Health Transformation Expert Rachel Hall Joins FTI Consulting
Newsfilter· 2024-07-18 19:30
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE:FCN) today announced the appointment of Rachel Hall as a Senior Managing Director in the Healthcare Business Transformation practice within the firm's Corporate Finance & Restructuring segment, building on the firm's investment in its Digital Health and Transformation capabilities. Ms. Hall, who is based in Denver, joins with more than 25 years of experience in healthcare transformations, digital strategy and customer experience within ...
FTI Consulting Names William Perlstein as Leader of the Forensic and Litigation Consulting Segment
Newsfilter· 2024-07-17 19:45
文章核心观点 - FTI Consulting 任命 William Perlstein 为全球法证和诉讼咨询业务分部的领导人,并加入公司的全球执行委员会 [1][2][3] - Perlstein 在律师事务所和银行业有丰富的从业经验,将帮助推动FTI Consulting法证和诉讼咨询业务的强劲增长,加深与客户的关系,并吸引和培养人才 [2][3][6][7] - FTI Consulting 的法证和诉讼咨询业务为各类客户提供跨领域的独立服务,涵盖风险、调查、争议等,并利用数据分析和技术解决方案,主要服务于受监管行业 [4][5] 公司概况 - FTI Consulting 是一家全球性的商业咨询公司,致力于帮助客户应对变革、管控风险和解决争议 [9] - 公司在全球33个国家和地区拥有8000多名员工,2023财年收入为34.9亿美元 [9] - 公司在某些司法管辖区通过独立运营的法律实体提供服务 [9] 行业信息 - FTI Consulting 的法证和诉讼咨询业务为各类客户提供跨领域的独立服务,包括法律、运营、政治监管、声誉和交易等方面 [4] - 该业务主要服务于受监管行业的客户,如法律公司、企业、私募股权公司和政府机构等 [4][5]
FTI Consulting Projects U.S. Online Retail Sales to Climb to $1.2 Trillion in 2024
Newsfilter· 2024-07-15 19:30
文章核心观点 - 美国线上零售销售额预计将在2024年达到1.2万亿美元,较去年增长近10% [1] - 电子商务在零售市场的占比预计将从2023年的21.6%上升至2024年的22.7%,但增速将放缓,到2020年代中期将稳定在35%左右 [2] - 电子商务销售额占零售销售总额的增长比例从2023年的46%上升至2024年第一季度的57%,为2017年以来最高 [4] - 未来几年电子商务销售额将保持高单位数至中单位数的增长,而非过去十年以上的两位数增长 [4] 行业趋势总结 - 零售商正在将实体店转变为履行中心,优化退货和库存管理,关闭表现不佳的门店并减少人工成本 [5] - 零售商正在融合线上线下的客户体验,并利用人工智能与消费者进行更紧密的互动 [5][6] - 数字原生直接面向消费者的零售商有望进一步增加整体美国零售销售额,主要从大型折扣实体店获取市场份额,对现有电子商务渠道影响较小 [7]
FTI Consulting to Release Second Quarter 2024 Results and Host Conference Call
Newsfilter· 2024-07-11 19:30
WASHINGTON, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE:FCN) today announced that it will release financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024 before the New York market opens on Thursday, July 25, 2024. A conference call will be held to discuss these financial results on Thursday, July 25, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time and will be hosted by senior management. The conference call will be simulcast live on the Internet and can be accessed by logging onto the Company's inves ...
Private Equity and Real Estate Tax Expert Maarten Derksen Joins FTI Consulting
Newsfilter· 2024-06-27 19:30
WASHINGTON, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE:FCN) today announced the appointment of Maarten Derksen as a Senior Managing Director in the global Transactions practice within the Corporate Finance & Restructuring segment. Mr. Derksen, who is based in Miami, has more than 20 years of global tax expertise related to private equity, real estate and infrastructure managers. His experience includes extensive buy- and sell-side deal structuring, fund structuring and portfolio company pl ...
Construction Advisory Expert Greg Parker Joins FTI Consulting as a Senior Managing Director
Newsfilter· 2024-06-26 19:30
WASHINGTON, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE:FCN) today announced the appointment of Greg Parker as a Senior Managing Director in the Construction, Projects and Assets practice within the firm's Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment. Mr. Parker, who is based in Miami, has more than 35 years of experience in construction and capital projects and has provided strategic solutions for clients across North America and Europe, playing a key role in the control, management and perf ...
FTI Consulting Launches Cross-Segment Digital Offering
Newsfilter· 2024-06-25 19:30
WASHINGTON, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE:FCN) today announced the launch of a cross-segment digital offering that leverages the full scope of FTI Consulting's deep industry expertise across the digital landscape. Individual FTI Consulting business segments have long been at the forefront of leveraging digital tools and technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and advanced data and analytics to deliver efficient, defensible and bespoke client solutions. T ...
FTI Consulting Enhances Aviation Capabilities with Two Senior Commercial and Fleet Strategy Experts
Newsfilter· 2024-06-24 19:30
文章核心观点 - 公司宣布继续扩大其全球航空业务,任命两名资深专家加入[1][2][3][4][5] - 公司希望通过这些新任命,为航空客户提供全面的服务,帮助他们应对行业面临的各种挑战[2][3][4] 新任专家简介 - Stephen Strange 是一位资深航空行业专家,拥有20多年从业经验,专注于商业策略、机队规划、飞机采购、运营和转型等领域[2][3] - David Walfisch 是一位航空行业商业和机队策略专家,拥有16年以上经验,将支持客户进行业务规划、机队采购和成本削减等工作,并专注于可持续发展[4] 公司航空业务发展 - 公司近年来大幅投资航空行业人才,建立了全面的航空业务服务能力,包括人力资本、商业、网络、地面运营、融资等方面[5][6] - 这些新任命进一步增强了公司在商业策略、机队规划和可持续发展等领域的专业能力,以满足客户不断变化的需求[6]
FTI Consulting Survey Identifies Top Operational Challenges and Opportunities for Hospital Leaders
Newsfilter· 2024-06-12 19:30
文章核心观点 - 医院行业正面临人力短缺、财务表现和新技术风险等多重挑战 [1][2][3] - 医院领导需要采取创新措施来应对未来的挑战,包括应对网络安全风险、转型到价值型医疗模式、解决人力短缺问题 [3][4][5][6][7] - 医院必须与监管机构、政客、社区和患者有效沟通,以维护和提升声誉,应对经济、法律和监管方面的挑战 [8] 行业概况 - 医院行业正经历疫情后的转型,面临患者需求增加和监管机构更严格审查的挑战 [2][3] - 几乎所有受访医院都有临床、财务和数字化技术方面的担忧 [2] 人力资源 - 近一半的医院领导认为自己无法完全应对当前的患者量 [5] - 医院需要采取针对性的措施来吸引和留住人才,包括定制化的沟通、项目和体验 [6] 网络安全 - 超过一半的医院承认自己对网络攻击并不太有准备 [3] - 医院领导认识到网络安全事故的严重后果,其中一半人最担心数据丢失或泄露 [6][7] - 医院需要采取全面的网络安全准备措施,包括技术和沟通方面 [7] 医疗模式转型 - 几乎所有医院都已采用价值型医疗模式,主要受患者中心理念和质量改进举措的推动 [4]
FTI Consulting Appoints Senior Forensic Expert Dr. Stefan Heissner to the Forensic and Litigation Consulting Segment in Germany
Newsfilter· 2024-06-11 14:00
DÜSSELDORF, Germany, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting Inc. (NYSE:FCN) today announced the appointment of Dr. Stefan Heissner as a Senior Managing Director in its Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment in Germany, effective 1 July 2024. Dr. Heissner, who had a 15-year career with the German police force and spent five years as a detective in white-collar crime and corruption, will help clients investigate fraud and compliance matters and advise boards and senior leaders on corporate compl ...