Enterprise Products Partners L.P.(EPD)
Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (EPD) is Attracting Investor Attention: Here is What You Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-13 23:06
Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) is one of the stocks most watched by Zacks.com visitors lately. So, it might be a good idea to review some of the factors that might affect the near-term performance of the stock. Shares of this provider of midstream energy services have returned -1.9% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +5.1% change. The Zacks Oil and Gas - Production Pipeline - MLB industry, to which Enterprise Products belongs, has gained 1.6% over this period. Now the key question ...
Are Investors Undervaluing Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) Right Now?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-12 23:46
Zacks Rank系统 - Zacks专注于Zacks Rank系统,强调盈利预期和预期修订,以找到优质股票[1] - Zacks开发了自己的Style Scores系统,其中价值投资者将对系统的“价值”类别感兴趣[3] 价值投资 - 价值投资是在任何市场中找到强劲股票的最受欢迎的方式之一[2] Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) - EPD目前持有Zacks Rank 2(买入)和价值评级A[4] - EPD的P/CF比率为7.34,与行业平均值7.79相比,看起来很稳健[5] - EPD和ET的众多数据显示这两只股票目前可能被低估[8] Energy Transfer (ET) - ET是一家石油和天然气-生产管道-MLB股票,具有Zacks Rank 1(强烈买入)和价值评级A[6] - Energy Transfer的P/B比率为1.27,与行业的价格/账面值比率1.85相比[7] - EPD和ET的众多数据显示这两只股票目前可能被低估[8]
Enterprise Products Partners: This 8% MLP Yield Is Way Too Good To Miss
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-12 10:03
业绩表现 - EPD在2023财年取得了强劲的业绩,实现了超预期的第四季度业绩[1] - EPD在2023财年实现了稳健的分配覆盖率,并向投资者返还了高比例的自由现金流[1] - EPD在第四季度取得了超预期的业绩,调整后的每单位收益为0.72美元,超出了预期[3] - EPD在2023财年在关键指标方面取得了顶级业绩,包括调整后的EBITDA和可分配现金流[4] 投资价值 - EPD被认为是2024年收入投资者的首选股票,他们很可能会继续看到分配增长[2] - EPD的投资价值在于其高比例的基于费用的交付合同,降低了中游公司的市场价格风险[8] - EPD拥有充实的增长项目管道,未来将增加公司的可分配现金流,其中包括在2024年和2025年投产的重大项目[9] 业务表现 - EPD的核心价值主张在于其高度可预测的现金流,得益于与客户签订的长期供应合同[1] - EPD的核心业务表现强劲,受益于消费者端市场需求增长和美国经济增长,特别是在海洋终端和NGL分馏方面取得了增长[7] 股东回报 - EPD对股东友好,将大量现金从运营中返还给他们,包括作为分配和单位回购[11] 估值 - EPD的估值相对较低,主要受益于其高比例的基于费用的交付合同和充实的增长项目管道[12] 风险 - EPD的风险主要在于有机增长能力,目前实现真正增长只能通过收购[16]
Top Wall Street analysts pick these 3 dividend stocks for the long haul
CNBC· 2024-02-11 19:38
A strong fourth-quarter earnings season is underway, and it's time for dividend-paying companies to shine. Resilient dividend-paying companies can offer long-term growth potential and steady income. Investors ought to consider the insight of top Wall Street pros as they hunt for dividend stocks with solid fundamentals. Here are three attractive dividend stocks, according to Wall Street's top experts on TipRanks, a platform that ranks analysts based on their past performance. Verizon Communications First up ...
This Magnificent Dividend Stock Has Delivered a Quarter-Century of Enriching Its Investors (and It's Very Excited About the Next 25 Years)
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-11 18:01
公司表现 - Enterprise Products Partners在过去25年作为上市公司的表现非常出色,不断增加投资者的现金分配,同时显著增长公司的价值[1] - 公司能够稳定增加分配显示了其业务模式和财务状况的低风险性,与过去25年中许多同行不得不在某个时候削减分配的情况形成鲜明对比[5] - 公司在过去25年中表现出色,每年提高分配同时显著增加股东价值,未来有望继续增加分配和股东价值,使其成为长期持有的优质股票[10] 未来展望 - 未来25年,随着全球人口增长和生活质量提高,能源需求将达到新的高度,公司对未来能源发展充满期待[6] - 公司目前在Permian盆地有68亿美元的重大扩建项目正在进行,包括西德克萨斯产品管道系统和两个更多的天然气处理厂,以及正在建设的Bahia NGL管道,公司预计Permian地区的产量将至少持续增长到2030年[7] - 尽管存在气候变化的担忧,大多数预测者预计石油和天然气的需求将持续增长至2050年,这将为公司投资支持更低碳能源的项目打开新的机会[8] - 未来25年,随着能源需求的持续增长和低碳能源领域的新机遇,Enterprise Products Partners有望继续增长[9]
Enterprise Products Partners: Don't Let This Cash Cow Slip By You
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-11 13:52
Patrick J. Endres/Corbis Documentary via Getty Images For investors that want attractive yield, some of the best opportunities can be found in the energy market. Although the energy market is typically associated with extreme amounts of volatility because of price fluctuations, one segment of the space that does very well over the long run is the pipeline/midstream market. A great example of an attractive prospect in this space is Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE:EPD), a massive player with a market capit ...
Bond King Signals Recession Warnings, Outlines Asset-Rich Dividends
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-09 21:30
spooh Co-authored with “Hidden Opportunities.” Legendary bond investor Bill Gross created the first investable market for fixed income accessible to all investors. In 1971, he co-founded and led one of the largest and most successful investment firms – PIMCO – in a vibrant career spanning 40 years. His strategy and techniques over time made fortunes for investors through recessions, wars, and other global and domestic tensions, giving him the apt title “Bond King.” In a recent interview, Mr. Gross shared th ...
This Record-Breaking 7.7%-Yielding Dividend Stock Continues to Demonstrate Its Durability Despite Volatility
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-06 18:19
石油和天然气价格对能源行业的公司业绩影响 - 石油和天然气价格对能源行业的公司业绩有显著影响[1] EPD的商业模式和财务表现 - 企业产品合作伙伴(EPD)等中游公司的商业模式在很大程度上减轻了商品价格波动对其现金流的影响[2] - 2023年,尽管能源行业整体面临更具挑战性的条件,EPD仍然创下了几项财务和运营记录[2] - EPD在2023年产生了76亿美元的可分配现金流,几乎与2022年的纪录持平,这使得该公司有足够的现金来支付分配并资助扩张项目[4] - EPD在2023年创下了多项财务和运营记录,包括NGL管道运输、乙烷出口、总NGL海上终端容量、NGL分馏容量等[6] - EPD的业务模式使其不需要非常高的价格就能获得可观的回报,因为公司主要依赖于销售量[7] EPD的未来发展计划和扩张项目 - EPD预计未来几年能源商品的需求将继续增长,因此公司正在大力投资建设更多产能以支持未来的高销售量[9] - 公司在2023年完成了35亿美元的扩张项目,包括在Permian盆地建设两座新的天然气处理厂和在Chambers County复合体建设第三座NGL分馏塔[10] - EPD预计在2024年完成另外11亿美元的扩张项目,这些项目将为公司带来更多现金流,从而使其能够增加分配[12] EPD的稳定现金流和高收益分配 - EPD以其稳定的现金流和高收益分配而闻名,尽管商品价格较弱,但公司仍然创下了多项纪录,未来将继续扩建产能以支持稳定的销售量增长[14]
Enterprise (EPD) Q4 Earnings Beat on Propylene & Octane Margin
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-05 22:56
业绩表现 - EPD 2023年第四季度每有限合伙单位调整后收益为72美分,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的66美分[1] - EPD的总季度收入为146亿美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的128亿美元[2] - EPD的强劲季度业绩归功于其基于费用的业务的提高运营利润和丙烯和辛烷增强业务的利润率提高[3] 毛利润 - NGL管道和服务的毛利润从去年同期的13亿美元增至14亿美元,超过了预估的12.5亿美元[5] - 天然气管道和服务的毛利润从去年同期的3.15亿美元降至2.86亿美元,但高于预估的2.82亿美元[6] - 原油管道和服务的毛利润从去年同期的4.18亿美元增至4.56亿美元,主要是由于运输量增加和平均运输费用提高[7] - 石化品和精炼产品服务的毛利润从去年同期的3.39亿美元增至4.39亿美元,但低于预估的4.75亿美元[8] 资本投资和财务状况 - EPD的可分配现金流为21亿美元,较去年同期的20亿美元有所增长,覆盖率为1.7倍[9] - 2023年第四季度,Enterprise的总资本投资为10亿美元,全年资本投资总额为33亿美元[10] - 截至2023年12月31日,未偿还的总债务本金为290亿美元,合并流动性为39亿美元[11] - 2024年,Enterprise预计增长资本支出将在32.5亿至37.5亿美元之间,维持资本支出为5.5亿美元,其中包括计划中的石化设备检修[12]
This 7.7%-Yielding Dividend Stock is a Top Option for Safe Income
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-02 19:38
Enterprise Products Partners (EPD 0.15%) has been one of the most durable income stocks in the energy sector over the years. The master limited partnership (MLP) recently finished its 25th year as a public company operating in the sector. It has increased its distribution every single year since coming public, which is no small task in the volatile sector. The MLP continued that trend in its 26th year, starting 2024 off with another distribution increase. It's in an excellent position to keep growing its pa ...