Celularity (CELU)
Celularity to Present Data Showing Senescent Cell Elimination by Off-the-Shelf Natural Killer Cells Derived from Human Placental Cells
GlobeNewsWire· 2024-04-08 21:00
Celularity公司展示自然杀伤细胞疗法项目数据 - Celularity公司将在ASGCT年会上展示CYNK-001和CYNK-201的体外数据[1] - 数据显示这些细胞可能作为老化相关疾病的杀伤剂[1] - 前期数据展示了资产有潜力去除受损和异常细胞[1] Celularity公司首席执行官Robert Hariri博士观点 - Hariri博士认为去除老化细胞可能是解决与年龄相关疾病的重要临床方法[1]
Celularity to Present Data Showing Senescent Cell Elimination by Off-the-Shelf Natural Killer Cells Derived from Human Placental Cells
Newsfilter· 2024-04-08 21:00
Celularity公司介绍 - Celularity公司是一家再生医学公司,开发和商业化先进的生物材料产品和异基因、冷冻保存的胎盘来源细胞疗法,所有这些都来自产后胎盘[6] - Celularity公司相信通过利用胎盘的独特生物学和易得性,可以开发解决有效、可访问和负担得起的治疗方案,以应对全球存在的重大未满足需求[6] Celularity公司的自然杀伤细胞疗法项目 - Celularity公司宣布将在今年的美国基因与细胞治疗学会(ASGCT)年会上展示其调查性自然杀伤细胞疗法项目的体外数据[1] - 这些数据表明Celularity的胎盘来源未经修改的自然杀伤细胞(CYNK-001)和基因修饰的NK细胞(CYNK-201)可能作为强效和选择性的老化相关疾病的细胞溶解剂[1] - Celularity相信这些前期数据展示了其资产有潜力针对并选择性地去除表达压力配体的受损和异常细胞,如老化、病毒感染和癌细胞[1] - Celularity公司的治疗方案旨在利用胎盘独特的免疫生物学作为高度可扩展的现成细胞的来源,以及一个多样化的细胞疗法调查产品组合,以应对老化相关疾病,包括癌症和退行性疾病[1] - Celularity公司的首席执行官和创始人Robert Hariri博士表示,去除这些老化的、老化的细胞可能代表了解决与年龄相关疾病和残疾的高社会成本的重要临床方法[1]
Kuehn Law Encourages Investors of Celularity Inc. to Contact Law Firm
Newsfilter· 2024-03-23 01:24
股东权益 - Kuehn Law, PLLC正在调查Celularity, Inc. (NASDAQ:CELU)的某些高管和董事是否违反了对股东的信托责任[1] - 股东可能有权获得赔偿和公司治理改革[1] - 股东应立即与公司联系,因为可能时间有限来行使自己的权利[2] 投资者服务 - Kuehn Law为投资者客户支付所有案件费用,不收取费用[2] - 股东的参与至关重要,通过参与,您有助于维护金融市场的诚信和公平性[3] 联系方式 - 请访问Shareholder Derivative Litigation - Kuehn Law获取更多信息[3] - Kuehn Law的联系方式为:Justin Kuehn, Esq.,地址为53 Hill Street, Suite 605, Southampton, NY 11968,邮箱为justin@kuehn.law,电话为(833) 672-0814[4]
Celularity Submits Request to U.S. FDA for Orphan Drug Designation for PDA-002 Asset Treating Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy
Newsfilter· 2024-03-20 21:15
FLORHAM PARK, N.J., March 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Celularity Inc. (NASDAQ:CELU) ("Celularity"), a regenerative medicine company developing placental-derived allogeneic cell therapies and advanced biomaterial products, announced today that it has submitted a request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for orphan drug designation for its off-the-shelf, placental-derived cell therapy, PDA- 002, for treating Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD). Orphan drug designation is a status given ...
Celularity CEO to Present on Cell Therapy's Potential to Improve Longevity at 2024 ABUNDANCE Summit
GlobeNewsWire· 2024-03-14 21:15
Celularity公司背景 - Celularity公司是一家生物技术公司,致力于开发胎盘来源的异基因细胞疗法和生物材料产品[1] - Celularity公司相信通过利用胎盘的独特生物学特性,可以开发解决全球重大医疗需求的治疗方案[5] Robert Hariri博士演讲内容 - 公司创始人和CEO,Robert Hariri博士将在ABUNDANCE峰会上发表关于细胞疗法改善寿命的演讲[1] - Hariri博士的演讲将探讨利用细胞疗法来对抗免疫老化、肌肉衰退和退行性疾病的潜力[2] Celularity公司投资方向 - Celularity公司在细胞免疫疗法研究方面持续投资,相信细胞疗法有望改善寿命[3]
Celularity CEO to Present on Cell Therapy's Potential to Improve Longevity at 2024 ABUNDANCE Summit
Newsfilter· 2024-03-14 21:15
Celularity公司演讲 - Celularity公司创始人和CEO,Robert Hariri博士将在ABUNDANCE峰会上发表关于细胞疗法改善寿命的演讲[1] Celularity公司研究投资 - Celularity公司持续投资细胞免疫疗法研究,利用从产后胎盘提取的细胞,包括干细胞和免疫细胞,以延长寿命[3] Celularity公司治疗需求 - Celularity公司致力于开发利用胎盘独特生物学特性的细胞疗法解决全球未满足的治疗需求[5]
Celularity CEO to Present Keynote Address at 2024 Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics Annual World Congress
Newsfilter· 2024-03-12 21:20
Celularity公司演讲内容 - Celularity公司创始人兼CEO将在SBMT年度世界大会上发表主题演讲[1] - 演讲将涉及细胞免疫疗法在癌症以外的广泛应用,包括在神经炎症和退行性疾病中的潜在用途[2] - Celularity的使命是利用自有技术平台开发治疗神经疾病的转化性疗法,包括多发性硬化症和帕金森病等[2] SBMT和WBMF合作 - SBMT和WBMF推动学术和工业界之间的合作,提供潜在的商业和投资机会[3] - 未来的细胞和再生医学将受到与纳米技术、预测建模、设备、成像、人工智能和增强现实等技术的整合的影响[3] - Celularity将继续作为细胞治疗领域的领导者前进[3] Celularity的创新治疗 - Celularity正在推进创新的细胞治疗以治疗一系列疾病,包括从脑癌到与年龄相关的认知衰退的神经疾病[4]
Celularity CEO to Present Keynote Address at 2024 Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics Annual World Congress
GlobeNewsWire· 2024-03-12 21:20
Celularity公司演讲主题 - Celularity公司创始人兼CEO将在SBMT年度世界大会上发表主题演讲[1] - 演讲将涉及细胞免疫疗法在癌症以外的广泛应用,包括在神经炎症和退行性疾病中的潜在用途[2] - Celularity的使命是利用自有技术平台开发转化性疗法,治疗患有神经疾病的患者,包括多发性硬化症和帕金森病[2] 未来医学技术整合 - 未来的细胞和再生医学将受到与纳米技术、预测建模、设备、成像、人工智能和增强现实等技术的整合的影响[3]
Celularity to Present Data Showing Cancer Tumor Reduction by Off-the-Shelf Cell Therapy Derived from Human Placental Cells
Newsfilter· 2024-03-07 22:35
FLORHAM PARK, N.J., March 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Celularity Inc. (NASDAQ: CELU) (“Celularity”), a biotechnology company developing placental-derived allogeneic cell therapies and biomaterial products, announced today that it will present in vivo data from its T-cell therapy platform at this year’s AACR Annual Meeting. These data, which highlight the platform’s robust anti-tumor activity against gastric cancer will be presented on April 9th, 2024. Please find the link to the abstract here. Celularity i ...
Celularity to Present Data Showing Cancer Tumor Reduction by Off-the-Shelf Cell Therapy Derived from Human Placental Cells
GlobeNewsWire· 2024-03-07 22:35
FLORHAM PARK, N.J., March 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Celularity Inc. (NASDAQ: CELU) (“Celularity”), a biotechnology company developing placental-derived allogeneic cell therapies and biomaterial products, announced today that it will present in vivo data from its T-cell therapy platform at this year’s AACR Annual Meeting. These data, which highlight the platform’s robust anti-tumor activity against gastric cancer will be presented on April 9th, 2024. Please find the link to the abstract here. Celularity i ...